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boeingornotgoing last won the day on January 22 2017

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  1. hi @JohnMAXX I downloaded the new 4.7.2 update and for now the graphic issue seems to be gone; I need to do more flights to test consistency but like I said before, no other application on my iMac had issues, my machine does not have hardware problems. for the time being, I went back to x-plane default weather. on a different note- i am holding off on TerraMax until you guys hopefully find a way to allow ortho compatibility.
  2. Hi John, glad you are well & thanks for your time replying. I trust your judgment on this and will try again with the next incremental Mojave OS update and or SMP. As it seems this pops up randomly
  3. Not sure what it is, as everything has been fine for months and months, I will see if v4.7 fixes anything or 11.30 beta is buggy. but in general, this is an out of the blue issue again. my iMac works in top shape for all other things. I tested many toggles on the SMP interface box, but nothing changed the issue, unlike a previous time where disabling shadows on water made the issue go away. uninstall SMP and use x-plane default weather and there isn't this issue. that is all I have to help you
  4. Hi John, hope you are well. I am on Mac, so I don't have those options you mentioned. It just happened again, Log.txt
  5. graphic distortion sky max pro 46 & x-plane 11.30 b4 that appears when your external view is parallel with the clouds Log.txt
  6. thanks for this one, I can replicate my flight now
  7. maybe ill redownload rwc. thanks
  8. here is side by side Images of different smp settings. as long as I dont use stratiform. then the issue goes away
  9. @sundog Hello does my above answer make your reply any different? Thanks
  10. I’m not using NOAA plugin. Don’t even know what it is. I had real weather turned on in xplane. I also don’t use RWC
  11. heh heh. , gotcha thanks for the reply. I will take a look at the settings. looking forward to hearing more on terramax seasons
  12. Merry Christmas taking a Christmas flight and looked down to see odd clouds
  13. Awesome Steaven and Cameron!
  14. delete this- n/a anymore
  15. Hello, I am on mac and xp 11. I want to uninstall some realscenryy products completely. however, despite running the uninstaller itself, all the imagery folders by location name still reside in custom scenery folder. whats the point of an uninstaller if it doesn't remove them? any guidance on how to amend this? I dont want to have to re buy packs just to confirm a list of folders to remove
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