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  1. So just wondering if both SR22's can be flown 100% using only vr manipulators including the stick and throttle? By the way...since owning one of them will not earn a discount on the other I'm having difficulty understanding which one I'd really prefer to have if only buying one. Is one of the systems better with LPV vertically guided approaches than the other? I'm new to XP12 so I don't even know if it does a good job with LPV vertical guidance these days? Thanks for any suggestions.
  2. There must be hundreds of photo's on hand for a project like this which would not reveal any private information about an individual. Was hoping maybe for a few of those! I fail to see what sharing some info or stories or even a few project photo's need to have anything to do with divulging personal information about anyone...but I'll digress here as I get the feeling that perhaps none of it exists in the first place and I'm likely pushing you up against a wall with this which was never my intentions to begin with. ...I'll let it rest. Looking forward to the project nonetheless and don't intend on letting Coop's hard work go unnoticed!
  3. Coop! Hi!! hehe Any willingness to maybe share some tidbits about the real plane (that the project is based on) to wet my appetite this week? Any pics...or just info...or funny stories..whatever! Don't mean to push but...you know...im home alot these days and going stir crazy :-) (as many of us are)
  4. Looking forward to it, or at least some pics of the real plane. Thanks.
  5. oh,... well I can understand that and as a customer I should probably agree with it too, heh! Ok to ask which plane the project is based on? Whats the tail number?
  6. Great, would love to see and hear about it some more from the team, if possible! I mean, not sure if they planned on doing any of that (ala A2A development videos), but it sure would be entertaining and, im sure, fascinating to watch as well.
  7. All sounds lovely. But lets remember something via lessons learned from other sim planes.... ...while exact numbers are very nice...they often don't do the actual "behavior" much justice. What I mean is that the way a plane feels or reacts is very important (especially on the edges of it's performance i.e takeoffs,approach/landing/flares near stall speeds, etc.). What often happens is that a developer will get the numbers pretty close but the behavior will not be correct, or vice versa...usually in a sim it's a balancing act and near impossible to get both (correct numbers AND behavior/feel). This is especially an issue when the author/s most often aren't even aware of exact behaviors of a specific aircraft in specific situations and rely solely on opinion. I'm just curious but, is there any member of the team who actually owns this plane in RL, or who has access to one for flying as part of this project?
  8. Hi & thank you very much for explaining my findings in regards to the right roll. I had no idea about the fixed tab being aerodynamically simulated. At least now I understand what is causing all that right roll! One quick question about this...is weight a factor in how much tab torque is created and at what speed it begins to occur? I'm asking because I notice the roll actually begins within the speed range you indicated as roll neutral (185kts). At 185kts I begin to roll right and around 190-195kts the roll is significant enough that the plane will not fly safely without correction. If I were heavier weighted would I then be able to attain neutral behavior within that 170-210 (assuming cavok and zero wind conditions of course)? By the way...also appreciate the tip regarding the green trim marker on the MFD. While I'm aware that one typically trims for speed, my mistake was in not realizing the marker is actually a static "banded range" (since its pretty small for my tired eyes) and not knowing the speeds associated with that range (since its not documented in the manual). I was thinking it was dynamic according to weight and that we should center trim in middle of the T/O marker. By the way...I think you left your gear down for that video, otherwise you would have had to pull up alot quicker and higher :-)
  9. Gregg maybe try putting the a/p back on if it ever happens again, if you're high enough maybe it'll be able to save you, heh.
  10. Yea, no...that's all well & good...I get it...but thats not what i see happening here at all...its not like the plane is asking for right rudder and dropping left wing on high power and AoA and then doing the opposite on low power and negative AoA..I'd love that (if it only would actually do that). Instead, it seems like it never asks for any right rudder and is only asking for left rudder...high power climbs? slip ball is left of center...high power climbing right turn? right rudder not indicated, it's just not needed here... also its not dropping right wing during low power descents...its doing it in high power situation where you just wouldnt expect it. It's as if there's no torque effect at all...in fact if I actually edit in just a little bit of negative engine cant then all of a sudden it'll start behaving as you describe...which is good.
  11. well that seems to work for me with alot of weight like you have there...but when i fly with my loadout (1 pilot and nobody else onboard), no baggage and half fuel the plane will insist on pointing its nose up after takeoff to nearly +20 degrees if I dont push down on the yoke or trim down right after gear-up. I'm setting elevator trim at green marker like you show in your clip. Have you tried it with low weights as I described? I have no plugins for my testing and all trims are zeroed out before I take-off (except for elevator trim which is on green marker). 2 different and brand new controllers as well which are well calibrated (honeycomb yoke and T16000M stick) and i get same result with both.
  12. I can confirm the same exact issue here. If you set elevator trim to zero using xplane's output data on screen the MFD actually indicates some down trim is being used. If you use the MFD to set the trim bar near to where the T/O indicator is you'll end up with too much up elevator. So in essence the MFD elevator trim does not seem to be synced correctly...OR we are not understanding it's use. Also...I can tell you that you cannot center the aileron trim or the rudder trim using xplane's keyboard commands (datarefs). By default they are the "6" and "9" keys but they do not center the trim in this plane. I tried changing the key assignments to different keys with no success. Can you please fix this as well? Ooops, almost forgot to ask...I also noticed that the plane tends to roll RIGHT and require LEFT trim in level flight (slip ball sits left of center)...seems it should be the opposite, no?
  13. Really looking forward to the M20 updates and the new SR22 release. I do not yet own a Torquesim product but once the M20 improves its interiors and sounds I'll be buying for sure... ...and as for the Sr22...been waiting forever for someone with the artistic talent and flight experience to bring us a really nice one so my hopes are high with this one as well and can hardly wait!
  14. Yes, that is a given of course. I figured those who care and are involved already know the terminology.
  15. k, thanks again for all the info.
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