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VasilisMaximos last won the day on April 29 2018

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  1. I don't have this on any other aircraft on latest 12.08 Beta 2. Only in IXEG
  2. Every time that i start a new flight and then enable VR via keyboard shortcut appears a strange blue line on buttom of the VR set. I Use Pico4 with Virtual Desktop on OpenXR (VDxr) .
  3. You can try my set, that I have make.
  4. Hello, I recently started using VR. And of course the IXEG B733. I can say that I am excited. My only problem is, it's terribly difficult to set properly, the speed bugs on airspeed indicator. The mouse pointer in VR is too big for this and the VR controller is not so Precisely. And so I am comming to you with a request if possible to make a hidden click spot somewhere to putt those bugs automatically, Based on the V-speeds of the FMC. Sorry for my English I hope to understand me. Thanks.
  5. Yes excacly that what i mean. Thanks!
  6. Anyone? nothing? :-(
  7. As title says the CLR Button has no “klick” sound as the other buttons on FMC
  8. Small Bug, but for a Person with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Like me, it's Complete frustrating.
  9. Is there any available dataref command for Landing Gear off? the basic sim/flight_controls/landing_gear_off dosen't seems to work.
  10. Otherwise you can download that i have made from scrats. .
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This is a custom set for the IXEG 737-300 X-Plane 12 version. It is compatible with Ground Handling Deluxe by JarDesign. You must own the Ground Handling Plugin Deluxe edition by Jar Design, in order to use this file. For the istallation just move the file IXEG737ClassicP.set to the :\X-Plane 12\Resources\plugins\GndHandling\Sets\Custom folder and enjoy ......... Vasilis.
  12. Ground Handling Deluxe SET for IXEG 737-300 for X-Plane 12 View File This is a custom set for the IXEG 737-300 X-Plane 12 version. It is compatible with Ground Handling Deluxe by JarDesign. You must own the Ground Handling Plugin Deluxe edition by Jar Design, in order to use this file. For the istallation just move the file IXEG737ClassicP.set to the :\X-Plane 12\Resources\plugins\GndHandling\Sets\Custom folder and enjoy ......... Vasilis. Submitter VasilisMaximos Submitted 09/17/2023 Category Plugins and Utilities  
  13. Just Rename the file from Boeing737-300Pu.set to IXEG737ClassicP.set .
  14. I don't know if this is the topic for this question. But why there is no more Visual represantation of GPU on XPL12? as in previous versions?
  15. There is also some kind of an upnormality with AutoOrtho users. Please if you use AutoOrtho 0.6 or later, make sure you are runing xplane 12 first with a default cessna and then load the IXEG. Otherwise you are runing without sounds and some other issues as well. I have notice this the hard way!!.
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