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Everything posted by CngDelta757

  1. Definitely a killer for sure! I'd extremely love to see this evolve into a new CRJ-200 addon.
  2. Hoping for either maybe a Dash 8-200 or Boeing 717! Again who knows until the actual announcement.
  3. Eyebrow windows would be nice, seeing the older airlines like Delta, AWE, United, Air France never had them plugged.
  4. I am working on it right now, all I have to do is alignment with the tail/fuselage and it should pretty much be done. Expecting it to be completed later today.
  5. Wow! Right out of the blue! (No pun intended). Great quality, even beats MSFS standards!
  6. Looks just amazing!!!!!!!! I don't know if it's been answered but is a -400 variant planned in the future? Thanks! Looks just outstanding
  7. I'm Open for beta testing at the moment
  8. Jeez! Quite the detail! One of the best GA Aircraft so far!
  9. Ah installed FF library, fixed it! Thanks!
  10. What is that?
  11. Sure is Madeira, downloaded it from XPFR and dropped in Scenery folder. But tried removing my TNCM pack and no hope, still the forest/facade error
  12. Here it is Log.txt
  13. I'm having an error with the Scenery. If anyone knows a solution that would be helpful. I load the scenery LPMA and while it loads I get a Corrupt scenery error then the facade/forest/beach error then my X-Plane crashes. Options?
  14. Really nice!!! I'm a local to the airport and it looks good!
  15. Got some AI Planes from Morten and did a little test flying around Missouri enjoy!
  16. Hey, looks amazing to me!!!
  17. Another excellent Turboprop! Systems look good looking foreword for this bird
  18. Hey this looks great so far! FTX is just to overrated...
  19. And with McPhat's ATR72 released this will make a killer combo!!!! :3
  20. Oh it still is! It makes everything brighter and vivid to fly. No tasteless textures anymore with UrbanMAXX
  21. Disappointment to hear... But I believe that is the right choice! The cabin looked sloppy at areas and needs some more work. Good luck with the updates!
  22. Even better!!! Dayum!
  23. Extremely amazing! I am moving out of the MSFS groove and this is very nice!
  24. Really excellent work so far! I love your airport's attention to detail, although your YSSY has stock lego block buildings it still feels extremely real. This just ups the level of detail here at Adelaide! Cant wait!
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