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Everything posted by deimos256

  1. Have you tested a flight with Post Processing turned off in xEnviro? Ever since I turned it off I can't produce a crash no matter how hard i try.
  2. I too was having crashes with the 737 and xEnviro. I have found that disabling the post processing option in xEnviro has solved the crashes, at least for me. I had a route where I could reproduce a crash every single time at the same spot and now I can fly the whole route without issue. Hope this helps other people.
  3. I understand that, but the fact that this is the last line for multiple crashes leads me to believe SMP may have something to do with it. During this operation does SMp tend to user more resources? I've also noticed a pronounced pause before the crash.
  4. I've been using SMP 3 and RWC for a couple months now but yesterday I have now had 2 crashes and both times the last line in my log was SMP re-positioning cloud layers. Any idea why this crash is happening? I am not running any other weather related plugins. My Specs- i7 4770 GeForce 1060 6GB 16GB memory Windows 8.1
  5. Still getting this error, has there been any progress on a fix?
  6. The way I do it is disarm autothrottle altogether, abut I'm pretty sure there are A/T disarm buttons on the sides of the throttles for that purpose. Once you have A/T disarmed then it doesn't matter what speed mode is selected because you have the control.
  7. I've found toe braking to be overly sensitive in X-Plane as a whole and not just with this addon. What's worse is there is no way to adjust dead zone or even sensitivity for the axes.
  8. Also make sure you are waiting for the INS to align. If you move the knob to STS or something like that you get a countdown of the minutes left.
  9. I've updated and it still shows 1.0.1 in the ident page?
  10. Navigraph. I actually just reinstalled and am back on the default database. Will let you know once I update it to latest hotfix *EDIT* Works fine with default nav data.
  11. Route is - KMCO MCOY1 SAV J207 RDU J55 HPW J191 PXT KORRY3 KLGA When I enter KMCO and select departures then select mcoy1 and sav transition, it shows sav and the runway selected but when I go to the route page nothing is there it's just blank. I looked up the departure and there's several more waypoints in that departure. Attached a screenshot and gizmo log for good measure. GizmoLog.txt
  12. When I take off and raise my gear and it's fully retracted the indicator lights go out but after some time in flight they suddenly display red. The gear handle is in the off position and the gear never actually begins to come down, but the in transit indicators light up. Is this a bug or is it caused by misuse of some sort? Thanks for your time and great job overall on this beauty!
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