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  1. Hello, just to add to this post, for n°9, I've seen a lot of problems with VOR and ILS, my last flight in 0 visibility ended 20 meter on the right of the runway with my autoland, because the plane turn too much and try each time to recapture the midline, but goes too far, and so on. It was in Portland, Maine, but I've seen that in other places.
  2. I can confirm... I had to start my flight from 0
  3. Hi, I noticed today that if you finish a flight, then add ground power, and then look at the replay, the ground power vehicle will fly attached to the aircraft! Funny, but still a bug X-Plane 2016-05-22 19-58-29-011.avi
  4. Hi, I'm reporting 3 more bugs. I hope there where not already reported, I didn't find anything. 1) Since latest update, the fire alarm only last 2-3 seconds and then stop, for engine, apu or cardo. I don't know if it's normal, but as I understood, only the red button left to the master caution button can stop the bell: 2) The 3 fire extinguisher (engines and APU) have (I think so) wrong axis: we have to go down with the mouse to pull them and up, to push them. Again, I don't know if it is intentionnal, but I think it should maybe be in the opposite direction. 3) The flight recorder light now work well, but if you put on test and the close the litte flap, it stay on test, I think it should go on normal. I hope, I'm not reporting too much, I only try to help making this aircraft perfect. X-Plane 2016-05-19 10-28-31-282.avi X-Plane 2016-05-19 10-29-10-132.avi X-Plane 2016-05-19 10-28-12-824.avi
  5. Hello, here is illustrated what I wanted to explain in the beginning, if you switch between typical and empty, sometimes it doesn't work: X-Plane 2016-05-19 08-17-46-071.avi
  6. Ok, thanks a lot! My bad.
  7. Hi, I don't know if it is a bug or not, but I noticed that if you have everything ready to go, and you shutdown the two generator from the two engines, and then you switch off the 2 bleeds from the engines, the air from the packs still work, and the pressure is still there, is it normal or is it a bug? Because if you shut the bleeds, the airflow should stop or am I wrong? Or is AC voltage from the generator needed to stop the bleeds? I attached a file, sorry for the quality, but my connexion doesn't allow me a lot more :/ X-Plane 2016-05-15 15-16-43-196.avi
  8. Thank you, I discovered something, it works to remove some fuel with the ground services. But I can confirm, with the slider there's a problem, I tried again this morning. If you switch between typical and 0 fuel with appliying the settings each time, it doesn't always work. Have a nice day.
  9. Yes for sure, but you can add fuel, not withdraw! Or am I wrong? And what I always try to do, is have very few fuel or 0, so I can do a realistic refuelling, but the plane often start with a lot of fuel, so that's why I'm facing this problem :/ Thank you
  10. Hi, what I observed, is sometimes, when in cold and dark, or just after some early manipulation, I open the preflight menu, and change the fuel (for exemple to 0), and the apply the settings. So what happens is that the plane goes back to cold and dark, but often, the fuel stay the same, I have to do it once more, so it applies really the settings. And the other thing I was talking about is that if you do that late in your procedures, the problem, you have to get back to cold and dark for changing the fuel :/ (that is more a suggestion that a bug). Tell me if you want something more! I can try to do a video (never did something like that). Thanks!
  11. Hello, I noticed that several times, the preflight option to ajust the fuel quantity doesn't work. I don't know why sometimes it works and sometimes not. Has anyone also noticed that? Should it be possible also to change the fuel quantity without going back to cold and dark when appliying settings?
  12. Hi, I don't know if it is the right section, as it is more about a request: Your camera system is wonderfull, I'm the total master in my cockpit. The only thing is when i click on my joystick to choose an IXEG preset view, I have then to wait for 2 seconds for being able to move with the mouse, because the movement is not instantaneous. I know it is only 2 seconds, but when it is hundred times in a flight, it can be kinda irritating. Would it be possible either have the mouse to be n°1 priority for movement and override the preset view buttons and to be able to take control immediatly, or maybe to have the possibility in the options to have instantaneous view movements? It would be really nice! If it is not clear what I'm talking about, I can add a video... And two bug reports that where probably already reported: since the 1.0.3, the RTO disarm light never extinguish. And since 1.0.0, when you are on ground, and try to move the gear lever toward down, it doesn't work, but make a sound as if it moves. That's it! Thanks again for everything! EDIT: I just forgot something. Would it be also possible to be able to change the fuel, without starting again the whole aircraft when applying the settings?
  13. That would be really nice! Thank you for your answers, I really appreciate!
  14. Yeah for sure, I have the "3-Pilot Quick Reference Handbook.pdf", and that's where I take the informations. But I have difficulties to know which items have to be redone, and the ones that don't. While there is a color-code with green and red, it's not for what needs to be done once or redone every transit-stop. Thanks for your answer!
  15. Hi, I have a question, do you usually do again every point of the tutorial n°3, between flights (flight segments as says the manual)? If I read well the manual, it doesn't seems to. So how to know which items have to be redone everytime and the ones that are only for the first filght of the day? Thanks
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