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Everything posted by Oliver

  1. Thanks for all that Lis. Can you send me those specific values?
  2. Mr. Simon, you make some wonderful reviews! Always a pleasure to read them Mr. Goran, you make some epic aircraft! Mr. Theo you make some insanely awesome textures! Thanks guys! ;D
  3. I think so. It's got some amazing features that are very compelling. The biggest ones that stand out to me: The RJ100 also includes an accurate flight model, stall speeds, cruise speeds. Tear the skies up, dude! LOL! Cameron you're great! You should be a stand up comedian! ;D Always good to get a nice laugh when I log into X-Pilot. Rush, the 152 is very worth it! I love it and it flies quite accurately, and Airbus is still updating it!
  4. Ah! Simply beautiful!
  5. I absolutely love your G1000 and would love to see it implemented in any other aircraft
  6. Oliver

    Project 3

    One sexy plane
  7. Oliver

    LFRE Scenery

    worked on it some more this afternoon, seems like a lot of people were touring the town Added some hangars, 3d trees, more houses, a new church, a b17, and a few things here and there. Still nowhere near finished, i'll try to work on it at least an hour a day, and then work full force on weekends ;D Hopefully I can work on the bigger part of town I show in the last screenshot and finish a good part of it. By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 The last screenshot shows what I will be deleting and doing by hand. I placed those buildings in random areas but I'll be redoing it all by hand street by street ;D
  8. Oliver

    LFRE Scenery

    Thanks Simon! Will do! I'll contact XPFR after I finish working on it, could be a while as there's quite a few streets ;D I also need to fix the scenery so that the road doesn't cross over the runway... I'll be editing a lot of little things to make it looks nice and correct! Also, I couldn't find a statue, so I just added a nice B17 in the middle ;D (By the way, the B17's tail isn't touching the car although it does look like it from that angle) Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  9. So for a while I've been editing my La Baule Escoublac scenery as it is my favorite vacationing spot on Earth and I love going there. Starting today I've been dreadfully working on getting the X-Plane streets to line up with the residences I have been adding in Overlay Editor. It has been very tedious work to get everything looking right. Unfortunately as it uses R2 library, opensceneryx, and XPFR scenery I don't think I'll be able to release it :-\ but anyway here's what I've got so far; it's still rough but if I take the time to work carefully on it I think I could actually bring it up to good standards. It uses the realistic French roads found on XPFRs site. The reason I decided to implement roads is that so few sceneries actually contain moving vehicles and it creates a lot more realism. Tell me watcha think Keep in mind, it's still rough and I still need to clean up the buildings I've added (I need to move them closer to the road, I need to line them up etc etc My only major issue is when I turn on roads to Totally Insane, I get an intersection on the runway... which is due in part to X-Plane having slightly misplaced the airport, but I'm working to fix all that. Also I'm using French photo scenery found here: http://zonephoto.x-plane.fr By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07 By pilotman22 at 2010-11-07
  10. Yahoo!!!! The site being down made me quite sad! Glad to hear it's back up! Thanks Simon!!
  11. It's most likely because you're using the 6 USB port thing. A USB port has a certain amount of power, and when you plug a 6 USB port in it takes power away and sometimes isn't enough to power your hardware. I had issues with my iPod cable not recognizing my iPod and I found out it was because the 6USB port I was using did not give off enough power to charge and sync the ipod. Try strictly using your computer's USB ports and see if that works!
  12. Enjoy! Remember Watch in HD! It makes the difference!
  13. Oliver

    Project 3

    I've already told you Goran, if you don't make the coffee machine, and if you don't animate the coffee being made I'll be VERY angry
  14. Alright well someone did bring up a good point to my attention, it's true that now a days crashes are brought upon as something bad, and something I also thought of, planes are meant to fly not to crash. Even for educational purposes! So now, almost every Saturday I will try to post about my real life flights ( I fly almost every Saturday). I will try to make videos showing preflights procedures, straight-level flying, engine less approaches, traffic patterns, and landings!
  15. Hi everyone, So this idea came to me, why not make an ACI series dedicated to X-Plane. Not with crashes that have actually happened, but fictional crashes I'd think up and create in X-Plane. When I watch ACI it usually teaches me a lot about X-Plane failures and crucial ways they can be avoided. My main aim at this would be to provide entertainment, and to inform people about the "technical" reasons behind a crash and the events that led to the crash. So my question is, would you guys be interested if I created something like that? I'd try my best to release one video a week (having to fit school, real life flying, and work isn't easy). Opinions? Comments? Advice? Thanks Everybody
  16. Oliver

    Project 3

    Truly a work of art!
  17. Everyone!!!!! Go check out the new XP10 tuesday pictures. They show the new King Air and a Corvalis !
  18. Very nice Wombatboy!!! Are you making that yourself?!
  19. I decided I'd create a rollercoaster with my Mentor. ;D Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  20. Happy birthday Lis!!
  21. No problem! Cameron veut que vous l'emailer et que vous redemandiez comment recevoir les updates pour les avions, parce que apparemment vous vous êtes désabonner de la liste des gens a qui X-Aviation envoie les emails avec les updates. -Olivier
  22. Cameron do you need me to translate what you want to tell him? I speak\write both English and French. Just in case his translator doesn't pick up exactly what you're trying to say to him. Sometimes those translators can be a serious paint
  23. Looks absolutely epic! Thanks Steve!
  24. We should have a section on the forum's homepage only for your repaints ;D
  25. F-OCZZ I'd love! My initials and a French call sign ;D
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