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Everything posted by Oliver

  1. Well that's strange.... Have you tried restarting your iPad? Re download the plugin, and re install. If nothing works, contact their support team!
  2. Oliver

    No plugins?

    I've got nothing, I'm sorry. Last step would be trying to reinstall XP if no one can help :-\
  3. Good spins Jason, can't wait for your update! And Simon, that was just plane gross! Haha... Get it...? ;D
  4. Looks great! I love the dirt 8)
  5. Oliver

    No plugins?

    Have you tried rebooting your computer?
  6. If you mean a Float version, it's in the works I love you. Hopefully you love us the other team members as well ;D
  7. Nope, it's simply to control the frequency, you can't speak directly to the controllers from your iPad, if that's what you're asking
  8. I've had about 1 crash since I bought it in November.
  9. Oliver

    Project 3

    15 Systems means aproximately 15 days... I'm holding you to it ;D ;D I'll fly over and make sure I watch your leap
  10. Hi everyone, Wombatboy, and I have decided this was the proper time. We are officially announcing our involvement in Cat3D productions. Work is still progressing on the 206, but stay tuned we are soon going have to some news that will amaze most of you, and make you very happy Regards, Oliver
  11. Merci pour tout Arnaud! Elle est géniale!
  12. Looking great Airbus!
  13. Looking good! Also, just in case you didn't know Leading Edge is making an full 744 with systems, fmc, etc... http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=794.0 Are you planning on adding systems, and fmc? Looking forward to your progress!
  14. X-Plane will still automatically reduce visibility no matter what the METAR says, so changing weather won't do much if it's the X-Plane fog. System specs? And download a plugin called clear skies.
  15. Probably not the best way to adress someone when asking for help... Besides this looks like the weather, if you have a slow system it will automatically fog up to save fps.
  16. Thanks for another great review guys! XPFR really are a good bunch of guys!
  17. Oliver

    Project 3

    Thanks for everything guys! She really looks awesome!
  18. Got it working! Merci beaucoup, c'est vraiment super!
  19. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  20. Je suis entrain de travailler manuellement sur une scène de La Baule LFRE + La ville de La Baule. Ca me prends des heures de travaille très difficile, donc un programme comme le votre serait génial! J'essayerais ce que vous venez de dire! Merci pour votre contribution génial! J'ai aussi envoyer une demande de registration sur votre forum! Bon vols!
  21. This looks amazing! Do you think you could write up a small tutorial? I'd love to use it
  22. May them RIP :'( May our Aussie members, and their families be safe!
  23. So a while back, Simon had posted up another blog, and in that blog was included a short review about an APP called Air Track. Air Track is an App made for X-Plane that gives you the ability to see a full PFD, MFD, FMC, directly on your iPad! It allows you to create flightplans, using the 9.7 inch touch screen, something a lot of us have always wanted, a touch screen FMC! The application also allows you to see what other traffic is around you in vatsim on your MFD as in a real aircraft. I've wanted to post this in case in case some of you with an iPad were wondering whether this app was worth it or not. This app costs 10$ in the Apple Appstore. The App is also available for iPhone, and iPod touch. The best part is this app works anywhere, so you can take it with you in your car and you will feel in a cockpit ;D Here is the website where the X-Plane plugin is at: http://air.ipobjects.com/products/airtrack You can read more about every feature there! I, by far recommend this to anyone who owns X-Plane, and an iPad! The pictures were taken directly from the site, as my internet wasn't letting me upload my pictures of the app.
  24. Goranified and Theofied? That's going in the features lists from now on. "Goranified Modelling and Theofied texturing". We'll see what we can do with airport traffic. We made a transponder glow, I'm sure we can manage some traffic. Synonyms: Making something awesome, Something epic, Something everyone wants, Some of X-Plane's best addons, epic devs ;D ;D
  25. Since Theo is a very talented programmer, have you ever thought of making a scenery complete with baggage carts, fuel trucks, Jet ways and various other vehicles that make an airport come to life? I know of a single plugin able to do this but it is still in beta stage. An scenery that has been Goranified and Theofied would be an absolute treat
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