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  1. If you fly 4 days a week and draw this horrible stuff, then you need to see a specialist. Please, I don't give a flying fuck if you ban me, you know it very well. With your horrible work and pay for updates, you will just lose your last 12 kittens and puppies that "admire" your project.
  2. Cameron, have you ever seen how real clouds look like? Or how real respect to your customers work? Last breath before Xenviro, all it is.
  3. Sadly your Sound Topic was closed. But i would give you a proof against your opinion:

    Watch cloesly to the N1 Numbers and open your ear. If the SAW-Sound would come more early you would completely break the Sim. In some conditions it isn't even at N1 way above 90!




  4. "I'm 100% sure that sounds in new IXEG could be 300% better! What do you think?" I underlined the important part. There is absolutely no conflict with any line of work. The Ixeg released, its great product, best out there, I even mentioned that the sound is the best out there out of the box. You just choosing words and taking them out of context based on your illusion. I say again, I asked if IXEG can fix the saw sound that should come on earlier - that is all I even gave you few proofs, I can give you more proofs how it supposed to sound. And how my work (if I ever release a pack for IXEG) will conflict with ixeg itself? Ah? Explained to me, please. It will actually promote it even more, and you should know about this. This is what happened with JAR, Aerosoft and about to happen to Jrollon. I will repeat for the third time here. I came here to ask IXEG to fix the saw sound, not to promote myself.
  5. Wow... Ok, when I mentioned that: I meant that developers can fix that or at least point me in the right direction to fix it to myself and i did not meant that I want to sell or advertise my future product here. I don't even know if I will even want to. The second sentence was a simple introduction of myself (that I'm not some random kid and actually have background in this) That was all to it. How can I advertise product which I didn't even make? And trust me if I wanted to advertise with you like you mentioned, I would of contacted you directly. Second, about "knocking" sounds (man, you take everything personal, don't you). Have you ever heard about criticism? And yes I can do that, I paid money for the product and have a background myself in order to make healthy criticism. My second post was an answer to yours, where I opened a discussion and only asked IXEG to fix that part. Right away got blamed for promoting myself, my company, knocking people. You have illusions sir. Only reason why I ever wrote on this forum is because this is the place for support of IXEG. Is it or it is not? Support, Discussion, criticism, suggestions... You know the definitions? If there is other place to ask for support for IXEG, please post a link here, because truly speaking I have absolutely no desire of conversating with yourself. Regards.
  6. Yeah, yeah typical "Cameron" answer. I have notice that before in many forums how you hold a conversations. Maybe you can have a little respect when speaking with people you don't know? Screw this, I will make changes myself. And I am, correcting it and making it better. And listening to my customers that actually paid money and not asking money for my updated products (skymaxxPro v2, v3..) Wink wink. Alright, I'm done talking on this forum. That conversation just confirmed my thoughts about your relations to customers on forum.
  7. No, you got me wrong. I will say that the sound environment of engines provided wrong. But I will fix that, unless IXEG does. I come to perfection when it comes to the sound, you can ask around the sim community, that's why I am really really picky about the sounds. I don't blame the IXEG, just saying that saw sound in real bird comes on a bit earlier than in the sim model. I should say, out of the box the sound environment came out really good and way above all previous developers, the model itself is great and has even more potential. But at the same time, sound should be improved and corrected, that's how we can better this model and not just say "stick with what you have". I say it like a real world pilot, musician and creator of payware sound environment for x-plane/p3d addons.
  8. In this case all these guys arent flying properly, because I can find you 100 videos where you can hear saw/growl on takeoff in classic. So yea, the saw sound needs to come on a little bit earlier. I do sounds for simulators for living (blue sky star simulations)
  9. Roger that, thanks. I had an old Dataref editor, that was the reason I had trouble finding. Thanks for quick reply.
  10. Hello, I am the owner/creator of Blue Sky Star Simulations, inc. Have started to make custom sounds for CRJ200, based on custom plugin, examples of my work you can find here: http://www.blueskystar.net/ Have coupled with real world pilots to get the best out of this soundpack Although I have trouble contacting the developers of CRJ - I need more datarefs. Most of the datarefs I was able to pull from the list posted by Phillip long time ago, but some things I can't still find, for example 2 of the three landing lights switches refs. I tried to write to Javier earlier - no luck (perhaps the e-mail is old). I need contacts of developers so I can get fullest list of Datarefs. Please help, Thank you. Vasiliy Stas Blue Sky Star Simulations
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