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Everything posted by malombroso
Hi! That is a fantastic news... I'd like to ask few things: will the plane work also if using the plugin "xprealistic"? Is the issue using X-enviro along with "vortex" on fixed? Will the weather radar show also turbulences?
The IXEG and X-Plane 11 Topic [Merged]
malombroso replied to danitabaires's topic in General Discussion
Hi... I just wonder one thing... version 1.1 is supposed to be for both xp10 and xp11... I understand that the update is going to be different for the two platform of Xp, and that for XP11 it coudlnt been done until XP11 was out of beta... but XP10 is out of beta since many years now! Why the update for XP10 is not out yet? I understand the problem for XP11, but for XP10 should have been already out... Just wondering! I am sure you are doing a great job and it will be amazing! -
PS: I wanted to ask one thing... so you guys are using the IXEG with vortices on or off? Cause I turned them off cause I read that they were giving issues with x-enviro... is it true? (I have 1.06 of xenviro and 1.07 IXEG)
I had CTD many times but I thought it was more a XP11 issue due to the fact that it is still in beta... but after reading this post I guess it can be something else! Well of course I use IXEG and X-Enviro... I have post processing on and I will now try to turn it off and see what happens. The CTD happened to me when resetting the IXEG via console, when changing livery and usually every third ot fourth flight (if I dont have a CTD when resetting the IXEG - most of the time hte FMC doesnt reset so I have to do a reset via console). Also when I change the plane from Cold and dark to ready to fly I have a CTD but curiously, not the opposite wayy, from engines running to cold and dark. Hope you guys will fix this problems as soon as you can... we all put our trust in you!!! And we all support you forthe great plugins you brought in the xplane world!!! Stefano
That is AMAZING!!! Thanks !!!
Hi... Will the TCAS show the online traffic too? I mean the traffin when flying on IVAO or Vatsim? I hope it will!!! It will add a lot to the immersion. Keep up the good work...
Several weeks or maybe months??? Are you aware that it is almost 1 year now that IXEG doesnt release an update (and I mean for XP10, since XP11 is still in beta)… and IXEG was not free ( it actually costs more than the simulator itself), so I guess the team should put a bit more effort in updating it. (when it came out it was not really really complete cause for example some funcions of the fmc are not working, doors are not opening, there is no interior cabin, when you fly at night it seems that the flight attendant left the lights off in the cabin… ). For that price I honestly was expecting faster improvements…
Hi... sure! I will send you the log... the position didnt change cause I was flying and I took one picture and the second one just 10 or 20 seconds after cause the change of the clouds happened after a short time since I took the first picture to show that the depicted clouds were not maching the map. Then when after few seconds I noticed the sudden change of clouds I took another picture cause I had a "before" reference to show you... If that happens I will send you the log (but I dont know if I will be that lucky to have pictures of before and after the change like I was lucky to get this time!) Thanks again for support... I'm happy to enjoy your product Cheers Stefano
Hi sundog, I checked and I already had RWC set to "always" when the sudden change happened!
Hi... Thanks for suggestion... I will try that and see what happens. If I have any problem I will post a message!
Hi thanks for reply. I would like to know also about the fact that the clouds chjanged suddenly (I went from the clouds in pic 2 to the ones in pic 4 in a second. The visible weather around the aircraft shouldn't change suddenly according to the RWC, even if the metar gets updated... Why did it happen? And it happens quite often, and this time I took screenshots...
I dont hear the altitude alert... I was assuming that in the 737 Classic it was not a feature cause I never heard that sound. Should it be there??? Or I never heard it cause it is not supposed to be heard in a 737CL cockpit? Cheers
Hi I have a problem with skymaxx and real weather connector. The weather depicted is not corresponding at all the weather on the map of xplane (I have real weather on) (pls see pic 1 and 2) Another thing that is happening is that the clouds would appear or disappear changing the weather in front of me in a blink of an eye. And often it switches to the "uniform" weather panel by itself. (see pic 3 4 and 5 to see the weather is not matching and by the way, the clouds suddenly changed from pic 2 to the other pics and it changed from real weather to uniform by itself!) Pic 2 was taken to see the map of the clouds (they should be quite far away, not right below me) depicted in pic 2 Pic 3 was taken to see the map of the clouds (no clouds in the map) depicted in pic 4 & 5 What is wrong? I use xp 10.50b7, and both skymaxx and real weather connector are updated and for RWC I have the option to avoid change of weather near me ON
About the controls, I would like to ask one thing: in the xplane settings, should we use linear or non-linear? Cause I tried to set the settings on full left (on the right side of the joystick settings) but every time I restart xplane they are on the non-linear position. And also the nullzone, no matter what settins I enter, it always comes back to 5%... is it a setting that is forced by the IXEG? Or is it xplane that is not saving the settings when closing??? Please let me know.
SMP v3 Live Weather Micro Pauses and Settings
malombroso replied to JoseCFII's topic in SkyMaxx Pro v4
Ok thanks for answer! And that is a pity... cause it is a great plugin but the fact that the clouds are suddenly appearing and disappearing is really really annoying. I hope that this issue will be fixed in the future... -
SMP v3 Live Weather Micro Pauses and Settings
malombroso replied to JoseCFII's topic in SkyMaxx Pro v4
Hi... I have a problem with SMP v3 and I would like some more details. I would like to know if there is a solution to the problem I have using SMP with FSGRW to generate weather cause it seems that having FSGRW with SMP is the same as having NOAA plugin as weather injector (The only difference is that NOAA is free while FSGRW is a payware, and a quite expensive one!). Both are good plugins, but I dont understand if SMP works with global weather or it generates the weather on a METAR to METAR basis (like when using the NOAA plugin), instead of populating the weather globally. FSGRW createss a metar file to generate the weather globally so to have areas of clear sky and areas with OVC conditions... but the flights I did using SMPv3 the clouds disappered in an instant when overflyuing an area with CAVOK in the metar, and the clouds I had just seconds before disappeared even behind me... Did I set something wrong or is the way SMPv3 works (so, generating clouds according ONLY to the closest METAR)? Cheers S. -
Unfortunately YES! It would be perfect if it could create the whiole weather according to FSGRW injector. That one works really well (and when it "redraws the clouds is just updating the metar, but there are not abrupt changes like with NOAA plugin). Using FSGRW with SMP doesnt give you any benefit (a part from having upper winds outside US) because if you are flying from an area of overcas to an area with no clouds, the clouds would just disappear. Using the default clouds of xplane, and using FSGRW without SMP, instead, will create the whole weather so if you come from OVC to clear sky you will see the clear sky ahead of you while overflying the OVC area. The best thing would be to be able to use the amazing features of both the plugins: the OVC benefits and beautiful clouds from SMP and the global weather injection from FSGRW (plus winds and hopefully soon, turbulences). I really hope SMP or FSGRW will do something in order for them to work togethr (I mean, they dont create conflict but you can have either the global weather without redrawings each time the nearest metar reports a different cloud coverage, and the beautiful clouds and OVC stratus, but NOT both - not for the moment at least)... Regards S.
Hi. Is your program compatible with FS Global Real Weather? I was flying over an area with clouds and after there was an area with clear skies. As soon as I left the cloudy area, the clouds behind me disappeared and all around was clear. I tried to do a 180 degrees turn to go back on the area with clouds but nothing happend. No clouds anymore! The weird thing is that if I was opening the map in xplane, it was showing the area with clouds near me, but no clouds were visible outside the window. For the weather injection I use FSGRW. I attach two pictures to show what happens... (first two) I also tried to uninstall Skymaxx and did the same fligth with the same weather and with default xplane clouds everything was working fine! See last picture attached) Another thing is the distance the clouds are shown. The slider is fully right but I still see the "square" lines around the aircraft, but as far as I understood the clouds should extend till the horizon... Please let me know. Cheers Stefano
Hi guys, I keep on having the same crash over and over.... after 10/20 minutes after take off the sim crashes. I dont think is the graphic card cause I have a GTX Titan with 6G of VRam. I guess it could be skymaxx or EFASS Now, which one to use is a big question.
Hi. Thanks for quick reply. I will test different options. Thanks again. PS BTW, is the Gizmo64 folder created when installing your plugin or it is something coming from another installations???
Hi... I just bought it and even if my graphic card is the latest Nvidia on the market (GTX TITAN) I have a HUGE impact on framerate. And I also noticed that could at dawn or sunset are completely BLACK. Why is this happening? There is no transition in color for the clouds. I am a bit disappointed cause I have read that there would have been a framerate improvement compared to the default clouds, but I had the opposite result. And the black clouds are so unreal, above all if you look at the sky and you see the yellow/red color and completely black clouds! Please let me know if it is the way it is supposed to be or if I am doing something wrong. Thanks
FS Global Real Weather ... coming to XP soon?
malombroso replied to pryoski's topic in General Discussion
Hi Docromano, thanks very much for informations and explanations. Really appreciate that. I will give it a try. So you set the number 110 in the transition option window??? cause the default is 1076... should I set 110 or 1100?or 11000?? Thanks again. S. -
FS Global Real Weather ... coming to XP soon?
malombroso replied to pryoski's topic in General Discussion
Hi, I know about NOAA plugin but as far as I know it creates a uniform weather for the whole area until you change area and then it updates the weather to the next area and so the weather shifts suddenly. That is annoying cause you can find yourself inside a thunderstorm straight away without seeing it from the distance. (I think it will be like going back to XP9 weather engine). Am I right? Or things have been changed now??? I like that in XP10 you can have an area of completely clear sky and in the distance u see thunderstorm or clouds.Is NOAA working this way?Cause when I last used it it was switching to uniform weather generation. Please let me know. And if someone could also explain to me the option for transition from NOAA to XP metar I would really appreciate that (I mean, Iknow what it does, but is there a way to have a smooth transition? Or is there a way to have just upper winds and turbolences from nooa but the rest of the weatherto be managed by XP metar?) And someone can tell me which number I should set for the transition from xp metar to nooa? Which number gives the best results??? Thanks S. -
FS Global Real Weather ... coming to XP soon?
malombroso replied to pryoski's topic in General Discussion
Hi... any news about global real weather for xplane??? Will it work as the internet weather so that clouds dont pop up suddenly and you will have clouds only where clouds are reported??? I think xplane needs a program to have upper winds and clear air turbolences... and also more reliable icing and coverage over the oceans. I am flying over the atlantic now and I have only 14kts wind at 35000ft. The real weather reports at least 50knt wind at this FL. I hope this plugin is going to be available soon... Cheers S.