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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. In the same boat, I don't feel like staying up until 5AM I hope this last stretch isn't insufferable! Gimme an I!... Gimme an X!.... Gimme an E!.... Gimme a G!..... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IXEG 737 THAT'S NOT RELEASED ALREADY!!!
  2. Oh my goodness, WOW! The photo scenery looks absolutely incredible! Everything looks matched up perfect
  3. File Name: HD PW4090 Sounds For Flight Factor 777 File Submitter: Jesse File Submitted: 14 May 2014 File Category: Heavy Metal X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9 & 10 New HD engine sounds for the Pratt & Whitney PW4000-112 engine. Specifically, the PW4090 version. Details are in the included README. Unfortunately there is currently no way to get the loud howl from behind the engines at idle, but the sound files are included anyway. Also, a sidenote, the PW4090 variant is the only version from the -112 family that doesn't have the low frequency "boop" when you advance the throttles. Please enjoy these new sounds. Feedback is greatly appreciated Click here to download this file
  4. Version 1.0


    New HD engine sounds for the Pratt & Whitney PW4000-112 engine. Specifically, the PW4090 version. Details are in the included README. Unfortunately there is currently no way to get the loud howl from behind the engines at idle, but the sound files are included anyway. Also, a sidenote, the PW4090 variant is the only version from the -112 family that doesn't have the low frequency "boop" when you advance the throttles. Please enjoy these new sounds. Feedback is greatly appreciated
  5. Be-200 adventures!
  6. BEEP BEEP!!!
  7. Hi Nicolas, I use Photobucket to host my pics. They always show up large, and it's organized Great pics by the way!
  8. Here's an old pic, it's even from before SkyMaxx!
  9. The new HD look looks great! Just as long as we don't start to see repetition in the textures. I have the "newest texture add-on" for FSX and about twice already I've seen 2 of the same clouds next to each other. Fantastic work John!
  10. I like the way nearly everything is 3D in XPX, as opposed to my ageing FSX
  11. Oh cool! Looks incredible!
  12. That's like asking Bacon or Nutella. Both are AMAZING but very very different. I definitely say both!
  13. There's a video up already! Ramzzess 777-200ER:
  14. I saw the post on Facebook, was there another update somewhere else. I got no email yet. Definitely a epic surprise though
  15. Patrick is right, it is VHHH. You can get it here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=22381
  16. Wow, very very nice! The drop-off area looks fantastic
  17. 1: New sound engine. 2: New sounds. 3: A new sound engine.
  18. The IAE V2500 is a very smart looking engine. And an great sounding one too Shame about X-Planes phobia of decent engine sounds :/
  19. Bought this to mess around with. Well worth the 20$
  20. I posted this over at AVSIM, so I thought I should post it here too Some screenies of the last month or so's adventures in XPX! Clearly unedited
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