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Everything posted by scubajuan
I saw this a few years ago and thought it was quite interesting. Biofeedback hardware to interact with the game
Very nice! When can we spect this baby to roll out?
Flying online on IVAO Network and Virtual airlines
scubajuan replied to scubajuan's topic in General Discussion
Thanks for the reply Indi. Have an other related question... I just joined a virtual airline: AeroMexico Virtual, but when looking at the software downloads i appears that is windows only, it uses compete VA to report the flights, and this requires a software called FS-FDR which needs FSUIPC. The question is: is there a plugin for mac or a work around to use CompeteVA in a Mac OS system? Thanks -
Hello everyone, I used to fly on IVAO long time ago on FS9 and before that on FS8 and FS7, but for work related issues switched to Mac OS and all my virtual flying got caned. Then I discovered X-Plane 8 and its compatibility with Mac made it my sim of choice. Then came X-Plane 9 and I started flying again but the poor ATC in XP made me fell really quite lonely up there so I wanted to retake the online flying experience and found the X-IvAp. One thing I noticed, other than the obvious misalignments due to different sceneries, is that other traffics don't show the corresponding planes, usually is just the default XP planes. Is there a way to tweak X-IvAp to show the appropriate planes with the right liveries? This would be really nice. Thanks for the help Juan
Ben Supnik published 3 videos on his blog that show dynamic lighting (Global Ilumination) in action and heat blur from the engines, and elaborates stating that it will be a rendering option selection. Here are the links to the videos: http://dev.x-plane.com/download/self_light.mov http://dev.x-plane.com/download/global_illum.mov http://dev.x-plane.com/download/custom_illum.mov Edit: here is the link to the blog: http://xplanescenery.blogspot.com/
What airport would you like to see next?
scubajuan replied to OlaHaldor's topic in General Discussion
WOW! That's the nicest scenery I've ever seen for a flight simulator, is amazing. I can imagine it's not easy on fps but if I had a powerful computer that can handle it could easily become my base of operations Would be nice to see something in the like for X-Plane 10 -
Hello Kesomir, where is this plugin available for download? Is it freeware? I only have mapped some views to joystick buttons and find my self navigating trough the menu to change them quite often and think it would be very nice feature to have Thanks! Edit: Never mind, just downloaded it and will install right away ;D
Is the oil temperature/pressure gauge turned sidewise on purpose?
En horabuena Javier por la reciente adhesión al equipo de Laminar. Es una excelente notica saber que estas desarrollando para ellos, y que tu magnifico trabajo será parte de la próxima versión de XP, y así podremos disfrutar de tus creaciones espectaculares con tan solo adquirir el X-Plane 10, sin que por ello deje de babear por el CRJ y el A320 que espero salgan pronto a la venta. Sinceramente deseo que esta nueva vertiente te repercuta en ganancias monetarias suficientes para que continúes con el excelente trabajo que has venido haciendo hasta ahora y que permita el seguir aprendiendo e implementando nuevas técnicas para el disfrute de nosotros los usuarios y pobres mortales. Estoy seguro que con tu dedicación y talento alcanzaras las metas que te fijes y el éxito profesional que mereces. Estoy al tanto de tus políticas de no dar fechas, pero no puedo evitar preguntar que tanto falta para completar la primera versión del CRJ? Ya tengo lista la tarjeta de credito para comprarlo en cuanto salga a la venta. Saludos y felicidades
What airport would you like to see next?
scubajuan replied to OlaHaldor's topic in General Discussion
Well, I know dreaming doesn't cost and requests might be ignored, but most of my IVAO flying I do from or to Mexico City MMMX and I have tried to convert two versions of payware of this airport (flymex and taxy2gate) and the the editing needed is beyond my skills because some objects are floating and such, so If you ask me, I would love to see a version of this busy airport native for XP. also would love to see a photoreal scenery of the whole valley, for those that haven't flown into mexico city at night, is spectacular to fly over one of the largest cities in the world. So there MMMX please -
Awesome! When is this plane being released? hehe, just kidding. Looks fantastic, keep up the good work and be assured that when this baby is released you can count on me buying it. Rather wait for a completed product than get all hyped, pay for stuff and the feel disappointed with the over all quality. Take your time to do it right. and thanks for the updates, is nice to have something new to drool about.
I am running Mac OSX 10.6.4 on a MacBook Pro with a NVIDEA GeForce 9600M GT 512MB, there is no tweaking possible on the driver as far as I know. I hope there was cuz I've read that X-Plane runs better in a windows environment due to better driver and customization of the driver for display, and I can't afford a bootcamp partition in this laptop (not enough space).
Really nice Javier, amazing texture, the metal textures are the best I've seen EVER!. Is this one going to be a payware also? when do you plan to release it? I can't wait for the release of the CRJ200 and I am saving my pennies for that one, cuz I believe It's not going to be under 40 bucks, perhaps a lot more considering the amount of time it has taken to finalize for release, and then on to the A320 which if is comparable to the CRJ in system simulation quality wont be a cheap one either. I saw previews of the A320 but can't find the thread any more and it looks amazing too, I would buy the A320 as is just for the amazing 3D model, even if it flies like a kite. So I am looking at spending some serious dough in XP planes this year to support and encourage the work of developers like you. Looking back to my initiation in flight simulation, back when FS98 was released and the subsequent upgrades all the way to FS9, all the add-ons in sceneries, planes and software, investment in computer hardware to be able to enjoy the purchases, flight controls, etc. I have to admit (please don't let my wife see this) that I have spent thousands of dollars in this hobby of mine, then for work related issues switched to a mac and my virtual flying got temporarily forgotten. then I discovered X-Plane 8 and the story repeated, I needed (more like a really wanted) a more powerful computer with the latest graphic card, then XP9. I was disappointed with the default aircraft so I got a few payware planes but was disappointed to see that even though the prices were not high, that the quality was just not there, all seemed like or worse than available freeware planes for MSFS. Soon will be XP10 (can't wait for that one either) and finally real good quality add-on planes and scenery are starting to trickle down, thanks to real professional developers and not just aficionados taking XP as a platform to develop for. I know there are just a few and nothing like the monster corporations developing for MSFS. So thank you very much for all the amazing work you and other developers are putting into really good quality add-ons of X-Plane, like the rest of the team that is taking form at x-aviation, where I have started to spend my monies and certainly will continue to do so as products like yours see the light. I don't want to sound too impatient but I really can't wait to fly the Mentor, CRJ and A320 so please continue the good work
Just got my spanish citizenship I feel so proud to be a spaniard even if we would have lost the cup, but thanks to an amazing group of "futbolistas" we are now the world champions! Olé, Olé, Olé... Viva España! And now that the world cup is over and things return to normal. Me, personally, am in a post world cup depression period. After following very game for a full month it's hard not to miss the routine of getting up early, brew some fresh coffee and enjoy great football matches. I hope this post world cup depression does not hit you as hard as it has hit me and you can return to the finalizing touches of what promises to be THE MOST revolutionary release of X-Plane history after X-Plane it self. I have been following the development of the CRJ200 for over a year now and can't wait for it's release. But then again, if i have waited this long for it rather wait a bit longer until is completed because I know I will enjoy it for many years to come. Felicidades Javi por el campeonato, sé que serás también el campeón de los add-ons para X-Plane.
After seeing this post I took a closer look and I have the same issue, only with the red light, even with the compress textures to save VRAM checker off. I am running Mac OSX 10.6.4 on a MacBook Pro 17" 2.8 Ghz 4 GB Ram 512 MB Vram X-Plane 9.55 rc3
I use x737 with Javier Cortes xFMC and is a wining combination, definitely one of my favorite planes to fly. Considering the fact that the x737 is a freeware, V4 comes with complete and very detailed exterior model, most systems simulated via plugin and a super nice 2D panel, the decent price for the xFMC, for me was a must to compliment this awesome plane. I know Benedikt and Pierre are working hard and have already invest considering amount of time and resources to this project and keeping it free is something that I appreciate greatly. This is a work in progress and with every release the 3D model keeps getting better and better and very frame friendly, I believe a VC would be available pretty soon as well as the modeled cargo bay (which would allow the cargo doors to open too). As far as flight dynamics is concerned, the x737 is outstanding and handles really nicely. I had the PMDG 737NG back in the days I used MSFS and I prefer the x737, the 3d virtual cockpit is the only thing this one is short of the payware one, but not for long. Showing support for this generous developers by downloading their plane and if possible making a donation to encourage them to keep up the good work, would ensure the continuous free updates and improvements of what is, at least for me, the best freeware plane for XP 9.
Hello everybody, Recently I had an issue with X-Plane running on a mac that crashed on startup, so I avoiding to deal with the problem, I deleted and reinstalled XP, but when I open Overlay Editor to fix some details on an airport the application first askes me of the location of my XP folder, when I locate the new installation the program closes with an error message saying it can't locate the X-Plane global apt.dat file, which I believe is in the same place as the installer places it. X-Plane runs fine and so does the UFMC from Javier Cortes. It would be great if some one can help me, Thanks.
Hola Javier, He visto , creo, todos los estupendos videos que has publicado promocionando el magnifico CRJ200, los cuales tienen a la comunidad del XP ansiosa por poseer tan detallado y sofisticado avión. En la mayoría de estos videos muestras los avances haciendo uso de unas vistas en movimiento espectaculares y quisiera preguntarte, si no te importa, que software usas para moverte al rededor del avión. Por ejemplo, en el video "from dark and cold" inicias con una vista exterior, recorriendo el avion por fuera, acercándote para abrir la puerta principal, para después subir por las escaleras y entrar a la cabina. Yo tengo instalado el pilot view pero este no me permite moverme con tanta libertad al rededor o por el interior del aeroplano. Me encantaria poder moverme al rededor y por el interior de los aviones que poseo para inspecionarlos a detalle tanto por dentro como por fuera. Un saludo y como dicen en Ingles: Keep up the good work, y cuenta con un seguro comprador para el CRJ200 en cuanto salga a la venta (ojalá que sea muy pronto) Juan.
Pues ni tan pequeñita, que si se suman todos los latino americanos de habla hispana que habemos regados por todo el mundo, y que además somos aficionados a la aviación virtual, la isla pequeñita cobra dimensiones continentales. Esperando impacientemente el lanzamiento del CRJ, al que le he venido siguiendo la pista desde aquellos previews de los primeros modelos exterior e interior en el foro del .es, las primeras texturizaciones, los primeros videos y demás; que por lo visto se ha convertido en un trabajo de equipo interdisciplinario de colaboración remota, complejo y muy laborioso que lo tiene, quizás, un tanto estancado. Sé ve que el producto finalizado, cuando salga al la venta, va a ser impresionante tanto en el nivel de detalle, como la complejidad de sistemas simulados y desempeño del modelo virtual. Convencido de que será un producto que sentara precedente en cuanto a calidad, detalle y complejidad en el mercado de "add-ons" para el XP y que sin duda hará muy feliz a la mayoría de sus compradores. Pero no hay que olvidar que ya hay un ERJ payware a la venta con características similares y que sin embargo deja mucho que desear en cuanto a desempeño, que la versión 4 del x737 promete ser excelente, y aunque el UFMC del otro Javier no es gratis, en conjunto hacen que la justificación para gastar en add-ons de paga sea cada vez mas menor y a la comunidad mas exigente. Ya se habla por ahí del X-Plane 10, y al paso que el 9 ha venido evolucionando hasta el 9.5 es ya una realidad a la vuelta de la esquina y ojalá venga con algún avión incluido con el nivel de complejidad cercano al del CRJ y quizá este llegará a nuestras manos antes que el tan ansiosamente esperado CRJ.
What aircraft types would you like us to do most?
scubajuan replied to Cameron's topic in General Discussion
Well, with the x737 v3 and the CRJ about to come out, I'd love to see a A320 next and definitely a tween turbo prop like a C90 or perhaps an ATR. -
scubajaun, First, make sure that you press and "Hold" the enter key until the waypoint is accepted. I just checked this in the sim and it is working as expected. Let me know how it goes. Jim Hello Jim, and thanks for the quick response. I am still trying without success, 1. Press the FPL Key on the MFD to bring up the Active Flight Plan window. 2. If you are in 2D Mode press the READY PAD Button in the upper right corner of the Active Flight Plan Window to bring up the ReadyPad. 3. Press the INIT Key on the ReadyPad. 4. On the ReadyPad turn the small FMS Knob to the right to bring up the Waypoint Information Window. 5. Using the alphanumeric keys enter the first waypoint (DSD) and press (hold) the ENT Key to accept the entry. 6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to enter the remaining waypoints; MAVER, BTG, and KPDX. I got the first waypoint in but when I press the INIT key the entry is deleted and can't continue entering the subsequent waypoints. how do I move to the next waypoint? I also noticed that with the FMS NAV/COM knob the exterior knob has 2 + arrows I would expect that the right side brings the big + arrow and the left side a big - arrow, but on the left side i get a big + arrow too. How do I enter the speed and altitude for the waypoints (asumming I get the waypoint entry sorted out) Thanks for the help and for a really nice addon
Hi all, I just purchased this beauty too and I am impressed by it, how ever, I have been trying to follow the tutorial but when trying to create a flight plan in the FMS when i press and hold the enter key the waypoint doesn't add to the plan, so I can,t repeat point 3 and 4, I guess i am doing something wrong, please help
I can't get into the blog, says that I need an invitation to read the blog