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Everything posted by someone88@bluewin.ch

  1. Hi Jan, I have disabled all plugins except the gizmo one. Unfortunately not successful, there are still no callouts (except minimus). Is there a different way to disable plugins? My xplane is running on the latest version of OSX, would you know how to check the soundchip property? Cheers Nic
  2. Ok I noticed that the fuel level in the wing tanks was low however the fuel tank in the middle was fuel. Which tank supplies the APU with fuel? I reloaded x-plane and couldn't resimulate this error (however this time the fuel tanks in the wings were filled). In regards to the callouts: I still don't get them. Which plugins would I have to disable to get the callouts going? Cheers Nic
  3. I just installed the newest version 1.04 and learned the following things: - If I select ready for take off stage, plane is running and good to go - In the turn-around stage the plane shuts down straight away, trying to restart it (start the APU) doesn't work, all lights are starting to flash like the battery is empty - In cold and dark stage I tried to start the APU, light are starting to flash like the battery is empty. I connected the plane the the GPU (after reloading) and tried to start the APU this way, however same thing is happening. If you go into the failure menu and reload the battery, same thing is happening, APU won't start Callouts: - I can hear the "minimums" callout, however there is no other callout. Mach Speed Warning: - Not working, no noise if I push the test button and if I exceed the max speed, there is no warn signal either. I hope this helps Cheers Nic
  4. I did have the callout "minimums" with version 1.02. With 1.03 I have no callouts at all. I disabled the JAR designe plugin but nothing happened. Cheers Nic
  5. Na dann mal ein Gruss aus Australien. Wir haben 18.00 und warten ist angesagt....
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