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Ram Cummins

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About Ram Cummins

  • Birthday January 15

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  1. Looks great with PBR. Hope the project is coming along smoothly.
  2. Any new updates? Can't wait to have a classic airbus for x plane.
  3. Awesome! I can't wait for this great aircraft. We really appreciate having developers spend this much time and effort for the community.
  4. Hows the development going?
  5. Hows the project going?
  6. Ok, thanks. Its an amazing plane, nice work.
  7. I just bought the SAAB 340 and its great. But I am having a couple "problems." 1. When in X Plane I select from the airports menu; "3 mile approach," but then the plane is completely shut off and just falls out of the sky where I would usually start the preset approach. Is there some way to do this correctly? 2. Is there any way to open the plane and have the engines already running? (I'm assuming not) Thanks, Eric
  8. With respect to cameron, I don't think he minds somebody making a simple joke about an older operating system.
  9. Awesome, it looks amazing! And yes, show us some pics of that yoke please.
  10. Outstanding, good to hear from you again! I can't wait for this beautiful aircraft.
  11. SSSHHHHHH!! Don't give them any ideas! But yeah, it is easily payware quality.
  12. You might have crawled away, but not walked.
  13. Ok, well good to know you are still working on it.
  14. Outstanding! How do you make the runways look different from X Plane's default ones? They look great.
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