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Everything posted by scotchegg

  1. All of this and free for V1 users as well. Amazing, thanks so much guys, can't wait to try it out. Does it work OK with the artref tweaks?
  2. Just to clarify, you've managed to stop the clouds casting shadows on the plane if it's ABOVE the clouds as well? That's great if you have because in my latest 10.3b5 shadows are still being cast above the clouds.
  3. Well done guys, that's great news.
  4. I get the wrong IP address message too.
  5. Well done. You've come in a week later to point out what we can all see from the post dates. I suppose we should at least be grateful you haven't decorated your post with remedial grammar corrections of non-native speakers' text, brags about how you bitch-slapped other contributors to the community or appeals to how you know how it really is because you got your ass handed to you by a black-belt one time.
  6. Looking very good Mr T. Next job, cockpit textures.
  7. Been a few months. What's cooking?
  8. Understood but it might help to manage expectations if you could clarify if you've decided not to pursue it or you're just waiting until LR makes changes you need made.
  9. That is seriously disappointing. Your clouds are great and I do miss the crepuscular effect as well but now that we've experienced them I think a lot of us don't want to give up those cloud shadows.
  10. Any development on this?
  11. No they don't. The OP is saying the draw difference he gets with SMP is not as good as the draw difference in the video.
  12. Will also wait until the fix is issued. When it is somebody shout out!
  13. Outstanding detail, just amazing. I guess one worry would be frames. Flying highly detailed models at high speeds (like we're going to want to, oh yes) is really going to tax the sim. Do you think you'll be able to balance the two (frames and performance)?
  14. Christ Tonka do not, I repeat not, take time out of development. Back to work with you. Seriously though extremely excited about this. I can see from the shots so far the quality you're bringing to this. The Jaguar has been one of my favourites since I got an Airfix one as a 10 year old, despite nearly giving up with the sodding arrester hook.
  15. I have over 20 posts. How do I get into this Rant forum and its unfettered profanity?
  16. Don't you? (I was going to add the smiley with the tongue sticking out but realised that would be going a bit far.)
  17. Some of you will have seen and maybe tried some of the art tweaks displayed over at Avsim, mainly the cloud shadows and Raleigh scattering. They make such an incredible difference to the realism but the trade off is the cloud shadows only work with default clouds. Now I've tried it I don't think I can go back but Christ I miss your fluffy, drifting balls John, not to mention the gentle crepusculars. My dream is to prepare for take-off with the shadows from your clouds meandering across the runway while god-rays poke occasionally peek through. My dream is clear. John, seriously, do it.
  18. Yay! Ben's going nuts again. I love it when Ben goes nuts.
  19. Sounds great Andras. Trees along waterways can really add to the visuals.
  20. Looks really promising Tony!! BTW Andras I know you thoroughly deserve a break from XP, but thinking of any other projects at the mo?
  21. Been a while. Any juicy new stuff to show us?
  22. Pine Barrens; isn't that where Chris and Paulie had to traipse after that Russian mobster? Are you including these textures in your next update John or is this just a mod from Sabach? Looks gorgeous but I imagine it'll give quite an FPS hit.
  23. Yes I enjoy! Will we be able to change effects on the fly or will we have to restart XP each change?
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