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Everything posted by reincarnate

  1. Several test flights! I have to check if my classic is in good shape
  2. Thats possible with every aircraft. A standard X-Plane view.
  3. I know that the classic is an "old" plane and the cockpit has a used look. And I love it. But was there ever a discussion to use a "brand new" look?
  4. I just woke up because I dreamed about the IXEG 737. No kidding. Its 3 AM here and then I checked YouTube to find this. The only things I usually dream about are my wife and motorcycle. This is going too far lol
  5. Is there a new "maybe release" date? Like January 2016? Or are we just waiting for the pre release tutorial videos?
  6. Too bad that there is no 2015 release. But im okay with that. I thought there will be a video on christmas followed by the tutorial videos once a day and the final release on new year. But im sure the 737 gets better every day
  7. You just type in a few letters in the CDU. I dont need a keyboard for that.
  8. Winglets, yeah. You can add them anytime. EDIT: Just read some topics. There are so many interesting posts and you can look up all the features you will get.
  9. I guess something between 10 and 100 bucks.
  10. Talking about something like a "fair price" has no sense. In my opinion it would be fair to charge like 99€ for the product. On the other hand someone else sets the limit at 50$... And Im sure that some guys will still be asking if this is freeware.
  11. I said that before and Jan did it also. Just wait for the damn tutorial videos. Christmas is close and everyone got family (I hope). How about the IXEG Team spamming you all the time if you finished your job? Every day, every hour. Just switch positions guys... Chill out.
  12. There is something like a countdown. You know, the tutorial videos.
  13. Right, we could study the manual to be prepared. But we could also use the "real" one since this is a great simulation
  14. I will buy this product twice just to support you guys.
  15. Since there is no new video, they´re probably working hard to finish the product. I dont want a single frame of a video if it delays the release for a second.
  16. And there´s the risk of "thats not a bug, its a..." So let the professionals find the real bugs. We waited so many years. I don´t care about weeks.
  17. I don´t know if this was asked before or even answered and since we´re talking about the CDU. Is there a plan (maybe after 1.0) to be able to use the CDU via iPad? Grüße aus Hannover btw
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