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    Tucson AZ
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  1. Nicely done. Very well produced video, and good scenery.
  2. Hi Colin. I just now watched the video on the site and it is very informative about what this does. It is light-years ahead of the X-Plane default traffic and ATC system. I think this is going to be very popular.
  3. Of course! I wasn't paying attention. Nope, I do not know how to depart through the cockpit.
  4. I can't tell if you are serious with this request, but if you are serious just hit shift+8 on the keyboard. That will take you outside where you can move around with the arrow keys and the < - > keys. You can then set your quick-views.
  5. This appears to be an excellent improvement to an already great product. I will be pleased to purchase the upgrade. Thank you to the whole team for bringing SkyMaxx to X-Plane.
  6. Have you tried shift-4? Although the camera will travel with the aircraft it is not tied to the aircraft per se. You can see the aircraft turn and bank, or react to turbulence while camera view remains level. Once open you can rotate around the aircraft and change distance/angles. If you set that view as in one of the view keys it will always open from the same compass direction and angle as originally set. I use it that way along with other cockpit and exterior views.
  7. They are not attempting to collect money for the scenery that you see listed, nor do they claim to. They do the research (a service) then provide the results of that research to you in the form of an easy-to-use website. You seem to discount that effort that they make, and would rather feel entitled to their resulting products. The market dynamics are simple. If you like what they offer, and you feel that it is worth the remuneration that they request, then you pay for the service. If you do not feel that you get that much value in exchange you should decline to use it.
  8. I rarely join a conversation on the forums, but I have to agree with Ben on this. Someone is putting in a significant effort to provide a service to the community. I use that service frequently when flying in regions of the world that are not my usual areas. They do the research for me. @cptcaptain - You seem to contradict yourself. You first say that this is "One of the best sites to search for scenery..." and then you later say "Which value?" It seems to me that you have proven that you have value for their service by the mere fact that you complain that it is no longer free. In my case the choices seem clear - use it, or do not use it.
  9. Hello Andy, It sounds as if you need to use STARs, and APPROACH charts to get you all the way to the runway. I use the payware charts supplier Navigraph Charts Cloud. They have charts for most airports that have instrument approaches. If you are interested go to this link: http://www.navigraph.com/Products.aspx The charts will help you plan, and show you exactly where you will be at a given time. And, if you use SkyVector you can plot your whole course before you set up an FMS route. Click on the Flight Plan (SkyVector) tab to plug in your route for visibility.
  10. Seattle in the spring . . . X-Plane 10.30 - SkyMAXX Pro - real weather
  11. Yes that will work. I use the fswidgets IGMapHD on my iPad. You may have to purchase the map you want but it comes with some default maps. link: http://fswidgets.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=52
  12. Inside X-Plane go to settings/rendering options, then adjust the FOV setting (near the bottom). I'm running 3 screens and I use 115 as a setting. You may need something different.
  13. Thanks John. I appreciate your efforts.
  14. Greetings SkyMAXX team. I want to say "Well Done!" for resolving the CTD issue. I appreciate it. I have flown several flights without one crash. However, I did have an interesting experience in a recent flight. I'm not sure what to make of it. You can see in the first image below that X-Plane Real-Weather thinks that we are in a thunderstorm. The weather radar on the panel indicates that we're in the middle of a big storm. Very cloudy. But, outside the plane there are no clouds at all. Perfectly clear. I did experience some lightning and thunder, but not much. Earlier in the flight I did have some cumulus clouds around the aircraft, but they disappeared as I reached this storm. I was descending through 17,000 ft. I should have been in the clouds. Any guesses as to why the storm appeared this way?
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