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About TDPlane

  • Birthday 12/20/1954

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  1. No luck with version 1.21. It took me hours and hours just to get from KATL to KMCO. In short ... I never got there. On final into KMCO17L, CMD and APP armed and with VOR/LOC and G/S in the white in the FMA, the glideslope did not get captured. I wasn't able to activate V/S ... nothing worked anymore. I had to quit X-Plane all together. Sorry guys ...
  2. The message "Check Altitude Target" stays in the scratchpad of the FMS. It cannot be cleared; it disappears for a tenth of a second but comes back to stay. The light with "FMC P/RST" stays lit too. Also with AirFMC the CLR button doesn't function. There's no way to enter new commands ... So weird: after T/D and on VNAV, the aircraft descends to the next altitude restriction and acquires the altitude. Then it starts climbing back to the level it came from. This is no good; it should continue its way down. That could explain why "Check Altitude Target" stays in the scratchpad. After disabling VNAV and opting for V/S, the message is cleared from the scratchpad.
  3. As my signature says ... I'm on macOS Sierra 10.12.6 ... I guess it could be a Mac thing ... Thanks!
  4. Bummer with 1.21 ! As soon as I take off with the newest version, I'm not able to use the FMS. The keys do not respond to mouse clicks anymore. AirFMC does work. Also the ND is frozen. It's no ionger updated after a few minutes. XHSI does update the navigation display. The mouse pointer (the grabbing hand) is no longer there. It's just the standard arrow. UPDATE: After 20 minutes in flight, the ND is unlocked and shows progress. Also the FMS accepts mouse clicks.
  5. I'm struggling too with a suboptimal VNAV, still ... On a flight from KATL09L to KMCO17L I ended up with a T/C right after a T/D ...
  6. Hear hear. Let quality prevail !
  7. My two cents: a neat 737-8 or -9, MAX or NG for the Boeing family and pertaining to the 737 line.
  8. My favorite four aircraft are IXEG 733, FF 752v2, FF 763 and the FF 772. No surprise there ...
  9. I agree ... I am also fully satisfied with my purchase. I have some wishes, no biggies. And yes ... please take your time to improve this great aircraft!
  10. Be patient. The devs are working on an update of the VNAV experience ... As Jan points out, the VNAV calculation is only able to handle very basic scenarios for now.
  11. Agreed. The 733 is a very reliable product and easy on the eyes and my setup. A big fat compliment for the devs.
  12. It's probably XFMC; remove the plugin from your X-Plane setup ...
  13. It's probably my first. A crash with the 733. Just before T/D into KDEN 34L on the ZPLYN approach, X-Plane crashed to desktop. LNAV VNAV were both on, at FL320, CI of 20. On my way from KIAH. Never had one of those with this fine machine. Find all the logs I could think of, in the ZIP-file. Please, can you help? 160928 CRASH IXEG 733 107 X-PLANE 10.45.zip
  14. "Get into contact?" What about a Personal Message? This forum has it all ... Just hover your mouse over the name of Ben ...
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