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Everything posted by garrettm30

  1. Why not give it a little time to let word get out? Less than 24 hours is too soon I would think. Perhaps the following week so you can participate.
  2. I think after Simon gave so much effort in sprucing up his airport to get it up tonight, then we should go there first. But what should stop us from doing it more than once? I also like the idea of going somewhere a little smaller than Boston for the first time. (First time for me, anyway.)
  3. I'm agreeable to that. Where might I find his KMPI?
  4. I might like to take part in an X-Pilot fly-in.
  5. I heartily second that.
  6. I see you are an ANW pilot. I also fly for them, currently a First Officer. What hub are you in? I've been with the Memphis hub for a little over a year. I know what you mean about the intimidation factor for VATSIM. I keep learning more to try to get to the level where I will be comfortable with it. Folks say to just jump on in, because that's how you learn. Perhaps so, but I still don't feel ready. I'll be looking more at your linked page; who knows, I may be up on VATSIM in no time.
  7. I used to think X-Plane's turbulence was very unrealistic until I recently had the chance to fly a Cessna 150 on a couple of occasions. Well, I'm still no expert, but I was surprised to find especially on the second occasion, a beautiful afternoon, how much more realistic X-Plane's turbulence is than I realized.
  8. If ever there were a hard-core gamer, I'd say you'd be it! ;D
  9. A very minor cosmetic detail to report. I noticed the light for the beacon is positioned a little behind the beacon object. It's more obvious when you see it pulsing.
  10. For the record, the song covered is Like a Prayer, originally a major hit by Madonna in 1989. Livin' on a Prayer was by Bon Jovi a few years earlier (also a big hit). The big question is: should I be embarrassed that I spotted it?
  11. I've never purchased an airport before, but KDFW would change that for me.
  12. I wonder what kind of hardware that is going to take. I'm hoping some of it is merely different because of a rewrite than computationally more expensive. I guess we won't know until closer to release, if then. I may have to start saving up.
  13. I would very much love to go. Perhaps I'll get to in the next few years, and then I'll be sure to drop by your booth. It would be a priority!
  14. The FOV in fact does have the effect of moving your head forward or back in the cockpit, even if that is not what field of view actually means. You can also try the PilotView plugin that will give you more controls of your position in 3D cockpits. You can set positions as you like and then assign key commands that automatically snap you to that position. http://www.xpluginsdk.org/pilot_view.htm
  15. Interesting, Simon. How did you do it? Create an object with four planes attacked to a single plane?
  16. Well spotted. Perhaps that can give us an idea of the standard he is using when he says elsewhere in the same e-mail:
  17. I sure am looking forward to this plane coming out. In the real world of flying, I have only ever been on commercial transport; never general aviation. I have been recently invited to join a fellow as he flies on some Saturday mornings to meet some aviation friends for breakfast. He has a 150, but I think it is still fairly close to the 152. He said I can go whenever he goes, and he is going to let me have at the controls sometimes. I can't wait!
  18. Yeah, I watched that video clip way too many times!
  19. I was thinking the same about the blur, but I had thought not to say anything lest I risk offending. I suspect that would be a nice effect when used in key places. As it was, I only watched it half-way because my eyes kept automatically squinting trying get clear. Anyway, that's just a bit of feedback that take or leave as you wish. I don't think you have to repost unless you wish to. After all, this is your own video to do as you wish.
  20. It is exciting to see the progress being made on this (now) old favorite. I've been curious what those things that look like annunciators floating above the center of the panel are. I've also been wondering about that list of improvements you are planning to make that you gave us a few posts ago on the 10th. Was that for version 1.5 or 2.0?
  21. Hi Mike. Welcome to our group.
  22. Hi MannyS, and welcome to our forum. I don't have that joystick, so I can't say much about it. If X-Plane doesn't recognize it, I wouldn't know what to do to make it work, but perhaps others do. But let's make sure it's configured right first. So if you don't mind, I'll ask a few questions just to make sure it's all as it should be. First, are you referring to the bars on the page in the picture below? None of the bars show any movement when you move your joystick in either column? What does it do when you click "Calibrate Joystick Hardware"? Also, since you are on a demo, note that the demo version ignores joystick input after ten minutes, so perhaps that is the issue. Restart X-Plane and try to set it up right after launch. I'm sorry I can't help more than that.
  23. The link that CaptainG37 gave you is for our rant section, where you can rant and rave and carry on all you like about whatever is bothering you. Of course, others can respond to you the way they like, but it lets you blow off some steam at least. Although there is no rule that I'm aware of, my own approach is to put such "complaints" in the rant section and keep the other sections of this forum on happier subjects. That way folks who are not interested in rants can just avoid the section altogether. But in short, I will say that you are not alone. I haven't posted on that site for a year because of it. I've heard it said that, in life, you have to sometimes put up with people who are difficult. Sure, that's true, but when I have the choice, I would rather choose to be around people who aren't so difficult. It's like this: you don't always get to choose your co-workers or classmates, but you can choose your friends. The forum for me is more about than friends than acquaintances.
  24. Ben Supnik wrote an article on his blog earlier this week on the subject of gamma in X-Plane that some might find informative. http://xplanescenery.blogspot.com/2010/06/dds-has-no-gamma-which-is-very-sad.html
  25. You can use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out in chase view when using the plugin Chase View Deluxe. I don't know whether this is also true in the default chase view. I don't know of any solution for zooming on the inside, but it such does exist, it would have to be with a plugin at this point.
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