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Jorge Uvo

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Everything posted by Jorge Uvo

  1. Thank you guys... I have mine... updated and activated!!!!!! Let's go fly now.
  2. iupiiiiiiiii... 1.1 update mail has arrived... installing now!!!!! Thanks guys!!!
  3. I fly all of my flights in online in Vatsim (around 300 hours of flight with IXEG B733), and hold pattern procedure is not the biggest issue here. You can workaround, using fix page, chronometer, heading bug, VOR radial, NDB QDM/QDR, Altitude hold, etc... For sure it will increase a bit the workload, but that's what we want, and you will survive online with that. Regarding online flight, the TCAS system was the highest priority in my point of view, and now it is confirmed to version 1.1. By the way, counting the seconds to do my first flight with 1.1. I hope it is released on time to flight it at tonight's VATBRZ event from SBPA to SBKP.
  4. Yes Flávio. Do you have the URL to provide? Or does it need to be done yet?
  5. Hi there... I tried the link for TAP livery but it is broken... I tried to search TAP livery somewhere else but I could'd find any. By the way, great list. Thanks for put the liveries together.
  6. Here I have the same error on Mac, using masOS Sierra final version and downloaded SMP installation package twice.
  7. Hi Igor... I don't know if this is good or bad, but I just restarted the iPad and now it is able to connect to X-Plane. I didn't change anything else. Mysterious of iOS beta version!!!! LOL
  8. Hi Igor... I was travelling and now I am back. One of the first thing that I wanted to do is to fly my B733. As usual, I always connect the iGoDispatch to X-Plane, but this time the iGoDispatch is not connecting to X-Plane. I double checked the IP address and port, and everything looks good. My setup: X-Plane 10.50r3 iGoConnect Plug in 2.10.25 iOS 10 beta 7 GoDispatch 1.0 build 41 is there anything that I missed during my away time? It is really an iGoDispatch issue? Is this a iOS beta issue?
  9. This happens sometimes to me, when the FMC doesn't insert automatically the speed/altitude for the SID's waypoints. Then I do it manually.
  10. Hi Richdem.. About your VNAV issue, when programming the FMC did you check the LEGS page for "route discontinuity"? Also you have to ensure that all waypoints have speed and altitude (or FL) at the LEGS page after you insert SID/STAR, route, complete the performance page, and execute them all, otherwise you have to insert it manually.
  11. Wow... I love iGoDispatch for CRJ2, now for B733 it looks even better... Sent from my iPhone 6s using Tapatalk
  12. Updated for 1.0.7 now... Thanks Cameron and IXEG team for quick action. This kind of action makes me trust more and more in IXEG and X-Aviation.
  13. Hi all... I am also trying to update to 1.0.7 and have the same error...
  14. Sure, I can share, but, as I don't have the switch panel, I have nothing in the files for it.
  15. I also have the same issue since last SMP update. As I only have been flying IXEG, I cannot say the behavior with another airframe.
  16. Hi mmerelles.. I am Vatsim controller and can affirm to you that the Vatsim controller can see any traffic connected to the Vatsim network, does not matter if its mode is OFF, STANDBY or CHARLIE, unless if out all his range. Also the controller has a different icon in his radar if the plane is in CHARLIE mode or not. What happen here is that to try to simulate the real, some airport is required to taxi in CHARLIE mode (i.e. US) and some other taxi on STANDBY mode (i.e Brazil). Just it.. Sent from my iPhone 6s using Tapatalk
  17. Hi Alessandro... I don't have the switch panel but I see people reporting that switch panel is not working properly due the high number of dataref and Gizmo crashes. For multi and radio panels, they are working fine with the xsaitekpanels.ini default file from Bill's plugin. I am working to customize the xsaitekpanels.ini file for my needs.
  18. Thank you... Very very useful!!!!
  19. Wow... Flying now the "Tutorial Flight 4 - Full Flight with FMS". I tested it with Avast disabled and now it is more than perfect!!!!! Thanks, guys, for this easy solution.
  20. huuuuuum, I have the same issue... I couldn't simulate the "Tutorial Flight 4 - Full Flight with FMS" because of this issue.I will test now with Avast disabled and see how it works.
  21. Try Zon Executive... Here you can fly any aircraft, any route, online or off line. It doesn't matter your experience. Freedom is everything. The web site is https://www.zonexecutive.com Enviado do meu iPad usando Tapatalk
  22. Olá José... Did you see my reply to you in the ORG forum? If you tried it and it still not working you might have skipped something. I confirmed with another 4 guys and they all have the NOAA plugin working now.
  23. huuuum, really???? I am using NOAA plugin from Joan (now it is working fine on Mavericks) and to ensure that it is simulating correctly the upper winds I compared now the X-Plane with the winds charts and they are matching.
  24. Hi guys... This looks a great enhancement. My question is, does it work on Mac OSX Mavericks?
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