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Jorge Uvo

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Jorge Uvo last won the day on September 10 2020

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About Jorge Uvo

  • Birthday 03/03/1976

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    Terrebonne, QC, Canada
  • Interests
    Aviation, Flight simulation, skydive, soccer

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  1. Here is the profile that I use. I would say that it is a good one and the fuel factor made my fuel very accurately between SimBrief and the IXEG B733. It is in kg but you can easily convert the weights in lbs.
  2. Link broken for GOL (New) http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/34481-gol-new-colors-livery-for-ixeg-737-300/
  3. @Morten, can you please include the Virgin Express in the list? Excellent job by @CaptBirdy.Here is the URL: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/51798-virgin-express/
  4. WOW Nick... Great news... Looking forward for Virgin Express. BTW, I am also a big fan of GoT. I am in the last season, but I wait the season to finish, then I watch the whole season in 2 nights.
  5. All, I didn't find a Virgin Express livery. Does anyone know if Virgin Express livery exist to IXEG? If not, can anyone create it? It would be very appreciated. Here are same real pictures of OO-LTU Virgin Express B733.
  6. Enjoy my voice in the Better pushback, if you set to Brazilian Portuguese, English with Brazilian accent....
  7. Hi there... I use NOAA Weather plugin from Joan as weather engine and the weather radar from B733 works fine for me. I am thinking about to but the new Active Sky XP, but not sure if it worths the investment, as my NOAA Weather plugin (freeware) and SkyMaxx Pro (payware) are doing the job pretty well.
  8. Go for it. For me it is working with 11.30. You can replace your other one.
  9. Yes, working perfectly with 11.30.
  10. Thanks for the updated Tom... I fly the B733 now, already with this plugin updated.
  11. WOW.... When can we have it?
  12. There means that your maintenance team is great... LOL Now, seriously, I use the IXEG Failures plugin from Tom Stian (mentioned above by Loreen) and it works great. Be prepared. Keep the QRH in front of you. You will need it!!!
  13. Huuum, that's is a good point, Jan. Well, I will wait a more stable version of 11.30 and start to do my tests to figure out the root cause of my issue.
  14. it makes sense that could be something with my setup, otherwise we would see many more people with the same issue. I installed back the X-Plane 11.26, so I can fly with the B733, then I try the 10.30 again when the first Release Candidate version be available. Thanks for try, anyway, Jan.
  15. Thanks Jan. Anyway, I posted it in the 11.30 beta bug forum at x-plane.org as well for further investigation.
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