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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2014 in all areas

  1. Sunday Beaver Update 7 Hi all, Another Sunday again and another update. No screenshots today, because most of the things I did were code and sound related. 3D model: A few minor changes and improvments had to be done on the external model, and I hope it can be called fixed and frozen now. Sound: I played around with the engine sounds for some time and have tried to further improve them by tweaking and mixing them, and I am pretty happy with the results, but still not done. Coding: Last week I was talking about support for external hardware like the Saitek Swith Panel, GoFlight etc. I said that I try to support this hardware, but that I also don't want to limit myself to stadard X-Plane commands and datarefs. I had a further and deeper look into this and might have found a way to support it, even if I use a lot of custom stuff. I started to code it and a few tests were positive. However, it will take me another day or two to finsish this and then the Beaver will go to the test team to check this. Hopefully, I can make them happy. It's not pure aircrat development at the moment, but this kind of support is important for me as well. So probably not super exciting news for today, but at least you know what I am doing. You all have a great Sunday!
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F5D-KEw4d0
    1 point
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