the 757 is a nice jet compared to the 777, and I sincerely believe that dramatizes has done a better job with the plane. The problem with Ramzzess, however, is that he overlooks the finer visual details of the plane and ignores them once he's released the plane itself. Regarding your third statement, "I wounder how many of the people...", it's not about one's ability to build a plane, but one's knowledge of a plane that is being demonstrated in the criticism. Ramzzess is an extremely talented coder and to a lesser extent, a modeler but even he can over look the fine details and nuances in the design of a plane. Although I, for example, can't build a plane as technologically advanced as Ramzzess, I still can recognize that the plane has incorrect design properties. You don't need to know how to model to know that a replica of a real life object is not correct. I think that most people who defend payware builders or simply dislike critics overlook the fact that they are in fact replicating a plane, and that when we're paying 50+ dollars for a replica, we expect quite a bit of detail being put into the plane, especially if those who are putting out 30$ planes and freeware can do an equally good job. This doesn't mean that I think all the criticism is merited, however there is a fair share of criticism that does know what's wrong with the modelling and how it should be fixed, and in my opinion, that's the information that a modeler has to absorb quickly so as to prevent errors from being produced in the final product. Your last statement, Wait until it's released is a major no-no in my opinion. I've found that although Ramzzess actively gives help with your own projects, he tends not to listen to the criticism, constructive or destructive given to him. I personally think it'd be easier to get that information over to him before the plane is released, because he would still have many of the source files ready for editing. This is all my opinion, yes, a lot of the criticism is without merit, but a few points should be investigated further.