YSSY Airport BETA 0.3 Build Jun 10, 2012 Credits: (lots of people have generously donated their time and objects so far!) - SimmoW (Photoshopped Tiles) - Ropeless (Many Photoshopped Tiles, Concrete Gables from YSCN - Thanks to the Doctor!) - GaryBKK (Various Shipping Containers, Container Crane) - Sethesus (Checkered Huts, Electrical Junction Boxes, YSSY Tower) - HenryT (Checkered Huts) - Nickster (Radio Mast, Radar Ball, Red shipping containers, dumpsters, diggers, bollards) - Skyflyer (HungryJacks, Billboards, McDonalds, etc..) - Laminar for the LOWI XP9 Buildings (Dunno if I can redistribute this? - tkyler pls advise) - Nerarmap.com for the Orthophotography Imagery at 15cm resolution (free redistribution and derivation for noncommercial use) Beta 0.3 changes/additions/fixes: Big Stuff: - Large VRAM Optimization by cutting down many DDSs (1k x 1k) in areas which didn't require hi-res. Should reduce the VRAM usage considerably, and boost FPS. - Various Tiles successfully Photoshopped, removing aircraft Images on them (Big Thanks to Dr. Ropeless, and SimmoW!) Coming along nicely Boys! Keep it up! Minor Changes: - More Trees/Edging of forests. Let me know if the liberal use of the 3D tree.obj is severely negatively impacting your FPS on this. - More Fencing in various locations, incl. edge lighting and pathway lighting (XP10 lighting/Use HDR for this) - Lined up more taxiways and markings, fixed various signs. - Removal of some buildings north of the airport which didn't work where they were. - Fixing/Detail of Heliport area. Again, advise if the heavy use of the 3D tree.obj if this is negatively impacting FPS. - Additional Cars in southern parking lots, lighting. - Moved Harbour Bridge closer to where it needs to be (not yet aligned, but in the right area now) Still needs texturing. File: Depreciated - See 0.4 Later in this Thread Size: 240,265,381 Bytes (Note the large decrease in the filesize due to DDS Optimizations) - CK.