C47-D-Flottille 56S nr 87 This repaint is inspired by the French Navy livery for the C47 D . It depicts ( more or less ) the NR87 at the end of its career with the 52S Flottille. Unless her age , she was a reliable workhorse. These days she does`nt fly anymore but she still exists , standing at the entrance of the Nimes Naval base. As I wanted to give an over-all impression of the bird I aimed my brushes on the outside and to the interior , including the panel and cockpit as well. At the last moment a found a French crew , willing to fly this bird to you. Merci beaucoup mes amis. I hope you`ll all enjoy this skin as much as I enjoyed making it. Leen de Jager www.flybike-paints.nl A big thankyou to LES (Leading Edge Simulations) for this great X-Plane add-on. Installation: Just unzip the contents of this zip-file into your liveries folder. (C47-D-Flottille 56S nr 87.zip at the Org.) If you like to have orange-tipped spinning propellors just put the LES_Douglas DC-3(Wheels)_prop.png file in the main objectsfolder of the DC3 overwriting the existing file. (make back-up first). Due to the limitations of the model this wil result in all other planes having the same effect.