Just a customer comment here, not an argument (I hope). I think it's reasonable from the end-user's perspective to wonder why a plugin has to be enabled at the top level, when it doesn't appear to be doing anything useful when flying a non-Gizmo enabled plane model. The future plans for Gizmo -- "where Gizmo is headed, the fact that it is NOT to be utilized just for aircraft (yep, not aircraft-specific!), etc is precisely why it's been done the way it has" -- don't affect the current situation. Right now, it's only a plane model enabler. BTW, the latest conflict example I ran into is the Hydroz PBY Catalina. I have to move Gizmo out to the Windows desktop to fly that plane, otherwise there is an engine sound conflict. I haven't bought the new Carenado Seneca yet, or any future Carenado products that might use SASL, but this is rapidly turning into a situation where instead of moving Gizmo out temporarily to fly a non-Gizmo plane, I'm going to be thinking of Gizmo as something I leave out of the system most of the time, and only move it in when I want to fly the LES DC-3. Or the MU-2 and Falcon (although I haven't moved those into v10 yet, pending updates). Whatever future plans are in store for Gizmo as a universal plugin, it won't help if users are thinking of it as a special case to be enabled only for certain planes anyway. In other words, it's going to be treated as a plane-level plugin, whether it's intended that way or not. Again, this isn't an argument about what's "proper" for handling plugins, just a statement of the current situation from the customer's perspective.