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[SOLVED] C++ redistributable still causing issues - MFDs blank

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Hi guys, after having to follow these instructions (Cam's post 79) again, after installing the patch, it all initially worked. My suspicision that I'd already done it and during the day, after a reboot, I had to repeat it, were right.

Today, when turning on my PC and loading the CRJ, the same thing has happened - Plane flies fine, but none of the MFDs/screens work. I will go through the install again, removing the C++ package, reboot, reinstall and let it go through the motions so, eventually I can fly again. But it's gettin boring, doing this every day. Possibly the package is being modified on reboot, changing something crucial that means the plane won't work?

Details, along with attached log.txt.

Windows 7

I'm on Xplane 9.69

You'll see plenty of plugins installed, but the x737 is not in my aircraft directory, backed up. Once I get the clean C++ installed, everything works fine.

Latest Nvidia GTX275 driver installed

Because I wipe the C++ package and reinstall via your installer, I notice there is a MS Update file that keeps asking to be installed, I tried installing it the other day & nothing changed, screens still blank,




"Security Update for Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (KB2467173)

Download size: 8.6 MB

You may need to restart your computer for this update to take effect.

Update type: Important

A security issue has been identified leading to MFC application vulnerability in DLL planting due to MFC not specifying the full path to system/localization DLLs.  You can protect your computer by installing this update from Microsoft.  After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.

More information:



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I'll try, I'm new to this, so I just install the demo with no scenery or plugins? If that works, how do narrow down the problem, can scenery cause it? Should I copy groups of plugins gradually to narrow it down? A pity, considering the rest of the plane is so good. I may have to stay VFR!

Will let you know how it goes tomorrow.

Watching Eurovision this weekend, my only link to Europe nowadays. What a link! If (when?) the UK doesnt go well, I'll go for Spain

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This is NOT an X-Plane problem. This is a windows problem.

Apparently, the Windows update keeps deinstalling the Visual C++ runtime.

Try the following:

-Deinstall CRJ

-Go to System preferences, Software, Deinstall (remove, not repair) Visual C++ 2010 redistributables x86

- Reboot

- Run any Windows updates, including any updates to the Visual C++ runtime

- Install the latest runtime directly from the microsoft website: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=a7b7a05e-6de6-4d3a-a423-37bf0912db84

- Reboot

- Run Windows update again, and install any update that now surfaces

- Now, start the CRJ installer, and when it asks to repair the C++ runtime installation, just click cancel! Don't let it do anything. The installer might tell you that installation didn't work, but the CRJ files will all be in place

This is the only way I can think of to deal with what is likely a borked Windows setup.


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Ok, step by step. Philipp, out of this ridiculous long list of C++'s in my programs list, what should I uninstall, all of the files with '86' in them, only the 2010 redistributable, every x86 redistributable except for the ATLs or wipe the whole damned lot?!

Do you know if Apple will ever allow their OSX to be native on PC's? Grr.


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1. Uninstall the 2005 C++ programs/installs

2. Ensure you are up to date on Windows updates. If not, do so!

3. Uninstall CRJ

4. Re-install CRJ

You're a genius Cameron, it appears to be fixed now after doing this and rebooting to check. Thanks!

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Err, please 'unsolve' this topic, turned on pc yesterday, same issue again. There have been no system changes that I can see, even then, if a newer version of C++ red. Is installed, that should not be an issue?

So should I delete 2008 installs? Philipp, Should I now follow your instructions to the letter? Or do I have the new Steve Jobs virus?

This is now officially frustrating. Thanks for helping me TRY to resolve.

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Err, please 'unsolve' this topic, turned on pc yesterday, same issue again. There have been no system changes that I can see, even then, if a newer version of C++ red. Is installed, that should not be an issue?

So should I delete 2008 installs? Philipp, Should I now follow your instructions to the letter? Or do I have the new Steve Jobs virus?

This is now officially frustrating. Thanks for helping me TRY to resolve.


As frustrating as this is, it's something specific to your system and is not an error of ours. Your own copy of Windows is for whatever reason uninstalling this distributable, and you are the ONLY person to report this thus far.

I'm not really sure where to go from here. Google may end up being the friend, or you can attempt to follow Philipp's instructions to the 'T.'

I wish there was more we could offer you, but there's definitely something more beyond our control at play here.

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Simon, what I would do.. is uninstall all those c++ addoms you have and then install this one. I don't know if that is exactly what Philipp is saying. but if nothing is working then.. that should maybe work.

I have replaced the [solved] label, because it is not a CRJ issue... but I would like to hear from you that you solve the problem and how you did it

yes sometimes I would push the computer through the window. Yesterday after 4 hours of uploading the video tutorials I made.. the computer freezed..

sooooooooo couniting until 1million.. deep breath, and relax. "enigma music"

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Thanks for your concern Javier. It's just such a pity. I'm revisiting Blender to distract my frustration, not sure if that's a good idea! I'll try again when I feel like it. When I get it going, it's 5/5, no way it's 1/5!!

I like your Spanish accent by the way, and now we realize the L's in Rollon are silent!

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ah ok.. so the problem will return for sure... ok ok.. well.. lets see if 1.1 version has to do something with your problem, but I believe is your system configuration (software related).

No problems with complains!! but always with good smile and in a queue please.. haha.

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ah ok.. so the problem will return for sure... ok ok.. well.. lets see if 1.1 version has to do something with your problem, but I believe is your system configuration (software related).

No problems with complains!! but always with good smile and in a queue please.. haha.

ZOMG. I just saw all the questions today! Lots of issues, but lots of new customers too. Maybe you should put a link to the stickies in the manual and even list the most common FAQs and issues at the very start of manual in RED 72 font. People still won't read, but for those that do, it might help.

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Simon, I admire your patience with your Windows installation. If this had been mine, I would have "format c:"ed it already :)

No, seriously you seem to have some confusion with interfering Windows updates. And since you are the only one with this problem there is really nothing we can do on the CRJ side.


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