Classic Jet Simulations has released an innovative and much needed plug-in for X-Plane which controls AI traffic around your X-Plane world!
World Traffic is an application designed to fill the skies and taxiways of your favorite airports with lots of planes.
You can even create land and sea traffic. Flight paths are defined through flight plans which are simple to create by specifying the aircraft in the flight and some flight parameters. Arrivals and departures are controlled by World Traffic based on wind and aircraft type info so that aircraft will land and takeoff from suitable runways. More information may be found on the World Traffic product page.
General Features
- Sample flight plans and ground routes are provided for KSEA. These illustrate almost all of the functionality of the application and may be used as examples for your own flights.
- Several default aircraft are provided with many more to come. Users may create their own aircraft as well.
- Flight plans can be grouped into zones to enable/disable flights for a specific region or to enable/disable flights for a specific vintage of aircraft. You can organize the flight plan folders however you wish and enable or disable whatever regions you are interested in.
- Custom sound engine with directional, multi-track aircraft engine sounds with doppler shift.
- Simple ATC system to allow you to interact with the World Traffic application so that it is aware of your position and can vector you and and assign you arrival/departure runways.
- Flight information window allows you to quickly find active flights, flight information about that flight, and it lets you view that flight with the track camera.
- Collision avoidance features for ground traffic so aircraft hold for approaching and departing aircraft, aircraft will overshoot if they are too high or too fast or if there is a plane on the runway, and planes will enter holding patterns if the airport is too busy or their crosswind landing limit is exceeded.
Flight Plans
- User-defined flight plans to specify the flight path of an aircraft or a formation of aircraft.
- Settable altitudes for each steerpoint in the flight plan where altitude can be in feet above sea level or feet above ground level for terrain following flights.
- Flight plans can be defined for specific aircraft tail numbers so that a specific aircraft can be defined to follow a multi-leg route.
Ground Routes
- User-defined ground routes to specify specific parking locations for aircraft. Ground routes can be specific to a general type of aircraft, a type of aircraft, or a specific tail number so you can have planes park in the parking spots you want
Flight Model
- Simple, tunable flight model using aerodynamics and ballistics equations from the NASA web site to provide a natural looking flight model accurate enough that you can follow the World-Traffic controlled aircraft.
- Wind and turbulence affect aircraft so that they will bounce around in turbulence and crab into the wind in flight to maintain desired headings.
- Afterburner thrust is settable so afterburner-equipped aircraft can accelerate quickly when required, perform vertical departures, and fly supersonic.
Aircraft Object Animation and Lighting
- Custom datarefs are provided to provide your aircraft with full animation of control surfaces, landing gear, canopy, nozzle, engine blades/prop, thrust reverser, lights etc.
- All types of aircraft lighting is supported and the lights will function correctly depending on the phase of flight and aircraft type. Landing lights will go on and taxi lights will go off when the aircraft taxis onto a runway for takeoff. The strobe lights will turn off when the plane arrives and turns off the runway. Cabin lights will stay and aircraft doors will stay open for a few minutes after an airliner parks until the passengers are all off the plane. Most other lighting turns off when the aircraft engines are shut down.
Planned Features
- Random traffic generation based on an airport definition file specifying traffic type, connecting airports, and traffic volume to allow you to quickly generate air traffic for your favorite areas.
- Import tools to convert flight plans in other popular formats to work with World Traffic and to get real-world flight plans off of the web.
- Custom approaches for SID/STAR approaches from the web or your own custom approaches for arrivals and departures into mountainous areas.
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