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Hi IXEG-Team,


after reading all the exciting information on your blog and watching the great videos by Jan, I have a few questions if you have modeled these 'advanced' features:


  • Possibility to transfer hyd fluid from A to B or vice versa using Boeing 'tricks'?
  • Flap transit speeds affected by hyd pressure / pump volume output and airspeed?
  • Auto-slat extension during stall?
  • Will the aircraft behave differently in manual reversion, like reduced roll rate / uncoordinated turns? Lower response to control yoke deflections? Of course, some improvisation would be needed since in reality superman could still move the yoke with the same speed as with hydraulic pressure so the aircraft's responsiveness would be similar (minus the speed brakes), still it would be nice to have some form of difference.
  • Single A/P autoland capabiltiy. Although this is not certified, the 737 will land just fine (even flare) with a single A/P. Call it an undocumented feature by Mr. Boeing :-)
  • Will 'abuse' somehow be simulated? I'm thinking things like gradually overheating hyd fluid with very low fuel (missing heat exchange), cavitating hyd pumps without bleed air at high altitudes, hung or hot starts when introducing fuel prematurely or with low bleed air pressure (ex trying to start both engines simultaneously), avionic failures without equipment cooling

I'm well aware that these are very special 'features' probably 95% of your customer base will never miss / notice and some of them are not even modeled on real level D sims (as I'm sure Jan can testify to). Still, I think you guys will set the bar at a new level regarding system simulation depth as far as I see :-)


Good luck with your release,



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.  no to transfer hyd fluid from A to B.  We discussed and tabled it to "possible after V1.0".  Its a super special technique almost never used (but the speed brake pump trick is a really cool thing we'd like to simulate eventually).    We'll see after the fact. (pressure drops with rapid control input IS simulated)...of course this would be tough in reality....but not like joysticks have feedback pressure.

.  Yes to flap transit speeds affected by hyd pressure (flow rate actually)....and reversers too (shown in one of Jans videos), no to air pressure effects (but now that you mention it, probably easily implemented :)

.  Yes to auto-slat extension (and retraction) in high-alpha regime

.  Yes to different behavior during reversion (controls get sluggish as best we can with a sim)

.  Unsure on AP autoland...Jan/Nils to answer.

.  no on abuse simulation for V1.0.  We do not intend to abandon development after release and anticipate some type of failure / MTBF / abuse model after the fact.


As with many things, time is the great enemy.  Once we are rolling, then it is a point of pride to get these more advanced systems working properly.  Our generator heating for example...its simple at the moment, but will eventually take into account proper heat transfer with conduction / convection and Q (internal heat generation)....BUT we really do have to cater to the 99% percentile first :)



Edited by tkyler
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