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SkyMaxx Pro Version 3.0 Announcement!


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It is with great pleasure that I get the opportunity to announce SkyMaxx Pro v3.0 to you today! There's been a lot of speculation out there on whether we were creating the next version already, or what may be in it, and today we can tell you a whole lot more!
Without question, SkyMaxx Pro v3 is our most advanced plugin to date. We're extremely excited about the features it brings to the X-Plane experience, so without further ado, the feature list for SkyMaxx Pro v3 is as follows (there is a preview video below!):
New stratiform clouds! Stratus and overcast cloud layers may now be represented by thick, volumetric clouds.
- Extends all the way to the horizon
- Both solid and broken stratiform representations
- Advanced lighting model with real Mie scattering and fogbows!
- Realistic in-cloud effects for convincing IFR landings and takeoffs
- Simulated scud layer
- Real simulation of single, double, and multiple scattering of sunlight and moonlight through the clouds
- Even faster than SkyMaxx Pro 2's clouds!
Vastly increased cloud draw distances!
- 3D volumetric cloud layers adjustable up to 200KM wide
- Uses "dynamically generated imposters" technology to keep frame-rates up
- Convincing high-altitude weather for jetliner pilots
Soft cloud / terrain blending
- Adjustable soft blending of any cloud type with terrain
- Makes for gorgeous ground fog, or clouds surrounding mountaintops!
Improved memory usage and memory management tools
- Clouds now consume less video and system memory
- Real-time video and system memory monitor alerts you when resources get low
- VRAM and RAM usage displayed in the SkyMaxx Pro configuration screen
- VRAM usage reported is the actual usage reported by the video drivers, not an estimate
Integration with SoundMaxx
- Lightning effects in SkyMaxx Pro 3 will trigger 3D positional thunder sound effects when SoundMaxx is installed
Lots of extra polish.
- Rendering anomalies with lightning addressed
- Better darkening of clouds as the sun sets
- Cloud layers automatically avoid visually distracting intersections
- Improved appearance of cloud shadows in low-visibility conditions




Screenshots (Click to see large view):







Information on upgrade eligibility:
SkyMaxx Pro v3 will be a paid upgrade for all current SkyMaxx Pro v1 and v2 owners. Those of you who qualify will receive a 50% off ($19.95 instead of $39.95) upgrade discount which will be valid for 60 days from the time SkyMaxx Pro v3 goes on sale. After this, the product will go to full price for all customers. This will be the first time we have done paid upgrades, but in order to provide continued development on this plugin (both in the past and into the future) it is necessary to charge for this upgrade.
Information on release:
SkyMaxx Pro v3 will be released in as short order as possible. We currently have a beta team going through Release Candidate builds. Once that is done it's on to packaging and release. We will keep everyone updated as we get closer to the release.
Thanks to everyone for their continued support in this amazing product!
See you in the skies!



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I understand the need for paid upgrades sometimes, and I can see and appreciate an upgrade discount for old users, but I *just* bought this, haven't even activated it yet! I would have waited a bit if I knew it was coming. Any exceptions you can make for special/specific cases?


Looking at your order, no. You purchased SMP when it was on sale. You'll have paid less for v3 than normal people considering normal cost is $39.95. Effectively, that's what you'll pay between v2 and v3. Great deal!


There won't be any exceptions to the upgrade pricing. It's 50% off across the board for current customers should you choose to upgrade.


It just keeps getting better!  Looking forward to its release.



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Excellent news, besides the paid update. But guess you guys need to make some money too.

Just a short question if I may, did you manage to fix the transitions between changing weather or does it still flicker when weather is changed.


From the video provided it seems to be a very smooth version you guys are now releasing?


Last but at least, how do I get new download links for V2, and what version is the latest?

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Version 2 was a huge improvement in clouds for X-Plane for me so I will definitely upgrade.   v3 is really looking great!


I noticed in the video that there are still some popping clouds every now and then.  It's an issue I notice in v2 that I find a bit distracting.  Is there anything that can be done to improve that?

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The fog and full cloud layers look stunning; from the pictures and video well worth the $20 to upgrade. A couple of questions:


- it has mie scattering - will SMP 3.0 work with the RTH plugin? The reason I ask is that has a setting for mie scattering as well.


- have there been any changes in 10.40 allowing SMP to get data from plugin weather engines like NOAA or even FS Global when it becomes available? Not a deal breaker, just interested.

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How exactly will I have paid "less than normal" for v3 when I will have to again pay 50%, another 19.99, making my total cost that same normal/regular price of 39,95..?

Yes I got it on sale and that's the point: I purchased it at the value I thought it was worth. And again if I knew a new version was coming out like NOW, I would not have purchased it, and waited for the next sale.

I think we do have a right to expect some minimum customer support for "weird" cases like this, it's not too much to ask for...

Hi there,

I don't really agree with your logic. In over two years you purchased SMP the only time it ever came on sale in that period. I should preface here by saying SkyMaxx Pro is NOT EVER really part of our sale specials schedule. Therefore, for you to wait again would either be years from now or never.

By the end of it all you'll have paid $39.95 for what thousands of others are paying almost $60 over time for. Put that into perspective.

Again, the only special circumstance is the discount you've already recieved.

I'm sorry, but again, the policy remains as explained.

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Agreed, but the same could be said for every product out there. In the end SMP 3 is VERY FPS friendly, and I don't think you'll find it troubling to run. We always keep performance in mind!


My only thought was that if the new features don't run well and need to be disabled then the upgrade may bring few new features...

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Hmm well I must say I don't agree with your logic either. So just because I signed up to learn, read, etc and haven't actually bought anything until now that makes the request any less meaningful or logical? (As in any other merchandise in this period could be exchanged as part of nirmal customer service? -and yes, I know the policy, was just asking for some consideration given the circumstances).

Yes, people pay more but it's people that have bought it quite some time ago and have been using/enjoying it for a long time. and again, I did say I understood the priced upgrade logic, not saying ppl should get it free. But I bought this TWO WEEKS ago, and haven't even activated it yet.

But of course, you own the shop, so it's your rules as to what customer service you give (or not give), and all I can do is learn and go by that for future purchases I guess...

Oh and just for the record, I did also buy two aircrft (BAe 32 and CRJ-200), just not directly here, at the org. for whatever that's worth...

You'll get plenty of responsive service. That's no question. Sorry you don't agree, but all I can say is any way you shake it is you'll have paid only one full price if you choose to upgrade. You'll have a few months to make that decision as well. All things considered I think you're getting a fantastic deal. Why? Because SMP3 will likely not go on sale. So, you're definitely not getting short ended and paying over. Heck, stick with your $19.95 version only if you choose. Great deal there too (and even you thought so apparently).

Anyways, that's all I really have to say on this subject. It's not going to change the announced policy with a bunch of back and forth.

As for purchasing those products at the org...it benefits me in no way, so no, doesn't change a thing for my view. :)

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