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openal installs but gizmo doesn't find it


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I've sent Cameron support requests to which he has responded (crazy fast!), but it so far a solution has eluded, so I thought I would put here as well and see if anybody else has experienced this.

I recently bought a new laptop, windows 7 64-bit.  I installed all the necessary files for gizmo to work, including the openal files.  Openal supposedly installed correctly, and I see openal.dll in my windows/System32 folder, and in the SysWOW64 folder.  But according to my x-plane log file, it's not finding openal.

I scoured the net regarding this issue, and all I can see is that there might be an issue with 32-bit files being placed where the 64-bit ones should go (System32), but I'm not sure how to even tell if that happened.

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I'll see if I can get a manifest together of the files that the OpenAL installer is putting on your machine.

Thanks for your patience. -sighs-

(Other plugins are shipping with OpenAL needs now, are they using a better/different method than Gizmo to get it setup on your machines???)



(thread stickied, ..... i'll copy the guts over to the bug tracker too.)

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