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Visbility limiter and SMP2


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While enjoying SMP I noticed that it may have a problem with visibility limiters (Using the EFASS one but also tried the limiter that is in the org , and it's the same)


I noticed that when my camera view is inside the range of the cloud layer or higher , the limiter stops working , also with the edited data refs .


here are some pictures with free camera at ~6000 feet


Cloud layer is on 12000-14000 , all is great


14899731192_f701eb5c03_o.pngCarenado_C172_1 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr




Cloud layer 2000-4000 , the limiter stops working properly:


14713531557_4a17f38599_o.pngCarenado_C172_2 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr




Any ideas? 

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My guess is that the visibility limiter depends on X-Plane's "white out" effect, which we explicitly disable when you're near a cloud layer in order to avoid the "gray wall of death". SkyMaxx Pro has always done that.


Once 10.30 goes final, there may be a better approach for this we can explore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any new thoughts on this issue? It's confirmed by Ben that this "unlimited visibility" thing is indeed a feature and not getting fixed.

I think this is a chance for SM to expand the functionality even further, as no other plugin or utility is tackling this ugly mess X-Plane becomes at FL. Just did a flight to confirm all you're "seeing" at that point is blurred terrain and a horizon which even 16x AA fails to smooth out.

It's really not cool having to fiddle with the weather dialog each and every time we start up X-Plane, and I don't understand why Laminar is so ignorant about these gaping holes in the immersion.

Also see this topic please: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=79066&page=1

Edited by frontendrob
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