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A note of thanks

chris k

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You probably don't hear this enough from satisfied end-users John/Sundog/Ben,


When this product was announced, I was going to buy it anyways just to help support XP-development and give my $0.02c towards you guys whether I ended up using the product or not..... but I must say that I am highly impressed by SkyMAXX. I've had endless fun on VATSIM over Australia for the past 2 days, darting in and out of clouds and being 'gobsmacked' (as they say down here) on numerous occasions when the right combination of cloud, sun, and time of day all conspire to produce a breathtaking and photo-realistic experience.


Thanks for bringing this wonderful add-on to X-Plane 10. & Keep up the good work.


- CK.

a.k.a. "a satisfied customer, who has no issues installing, running, or operating it."... aka. the 99% =)





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