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X-Plane 10 HD Mesh Scenery v2 released!


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X-Plane 10 HD Mesh Scenery v2 released!


The free (donationware!) X-Plane 10 HD Scenery Mesh v2 has been released after almost a year of work. It covers many of the "interesting" regions of the planet (over 55 Gbytes of data), covering:

  • Europe (Iceland and Canaries included)
  • USA (Hawaii included)
  • Canada (most parts of it)
  • Alaska

A coverage map can be found here:



It is an update to the older v1 HD Mesh (and a replacement of the default Global Scenery) and brings a lot of improvements to the simulator:

  • It is a much higher resolution base mesh (more, smaller triangles) compared to the default Global Scenery which ships with X-Plane 10 (one could say: approximately 2-3-times more dense)
  • The higher resolution mesh allows for a much more detailed representation of the elevation profile of the landscape
  • The higher resolution mesh allows a much more detailed/exact representation of the underlying landclass data (because of the smaller triangles, which can follow landclass changes in the raw data more closely)
  • It is based on a completely new Openstreetmap (OSM) data (approximately end of September 2013), which brings (compared to default Global Scenery) a lot of improvements in:
    • water features (lakes, rivers, coastline) - many previously missing water features are now finally there
    • roads
    • railroads
    • power lines
    • urban park areas
  • It includes line rivers from OSM (not just polygons as before) tagged waterway=river which improves the landscape in most regions quite a bit
  • Uses improved urban zoning (thanks to improved algorithms in the scenery generator)
  • Many smaller and larger landclass data improvements
    • completely replaced the landclass data for Canada (big improvements)
    • improved forest density representation in Europe (changed the sparse / dense classification)
    • some new classes added (in many regions), like: moraines, riverbeds, mining/dump sites
    • added differentiation between ice (perennial) and snow (more temporal) to have an even more detailed representation of mountains
    • dded differentiation between irrigated / non-irrigated crops (in some regions - like the USA etc.)
  • Completely replaced the elevation data with viewfinderpanoramas.org (if yew have a few cents, donate to that guy!). This doesn't changes much in areas which were already great, but fixes some which were really hosed.

One important prerequisite: to make this scenery work, you MUST have at least X-Plane version 10.25 (beginning with 10.25 beta1)!

A large selection of screenshots can be found here:

All informations, possible updates, installation instructions, and download links can be found here:


I would recommend you to start with 1 or 2 smaller regions first. Install it, test it, and only then come back later for more. Don't expect to have all of the scenery at once!


And a I would to thank www.flightsim.com for making it possible to host a project of this size!

Andras Fabian

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One question pops in my mind. You mention that it replaces the default global scenery, but the default global scenery remains installed. Is there a way to unisntall or delete the defaul, and only keep the HD version installed? I have X-Plane in a laptop with a SSD and the storage real state is precious.

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Yes - Since these are "terrain DSFs" - X-Plane stops looking for further DSFs for that tile; and will ignore any DSFs in the "Global Scenery/" directory where there is overlap.


You could delete the original "global scenery/" DSFs (one by one) where you have duplicates - and XP10 will operate correctly. Should help with your SSD storage issue and allow you to trim out the older/original files.


- CK.

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For all of those, who might have problems with download speeds: even though it sounds like advertising (but no, nobody pays me for this!), I can recommend you to take a FIrst Class membership at flightsim.com. For $30 (for one year - which is less than many, single add-ons cost, and you also support a community site which is here since over 20 years), the download limits are removed. Then the only limiting factor is, that other - possibly hundreds?? - users share the complete bandwidth of the site (but I have seen 400-500 KByte/sec speeds ... some have even reported up to 1 MByte/sec for some time periods). So, you can either pay with your time or you money ... I think, this is halfway fair (but its hard to make it more fair, when talking about data volumes of this magnitude ... sorry).

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The thing is: this way its not me, who has to take care of payments / memberships / sales etc. ... Time which I don't have, and the little time I have is much better spent on working on scenery projects / helping Laminar etc . So in my eyes, its a fair offering, and I see it as a fair price for a service which they provide me and you (and you can download everything else over the time period of one year at high speeds too ... its quite likely, that this is not the only big scenery pack which might come over the next year). I really don't begrudge them the money which you give them ... (and remember, flightsim.com is not just some shady tiny site, but maybe one of the first internet sites for flight simulation ... since 1996 ... or so).

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I am experiencing problems to download even a single tile. for some reason the download gets interrupted and fails, when i try to restart it goes back to the beginning and fails again and again. I tried with a download manager (FLOX for mac) but it fails to capture the download from flightsim.com. something about cookies. I could not find in the documentation or the preferences how to allow cookies in FLOX. 
Does anybody have a recommendation for a download manager for Mac that will allow me to download this precios files?
I found at the org some torrented tiles but unfortunately not the ones I am interested most. Eventually would like to have the full coverage but not in big rush. 

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I am experiencing problems to download even a single tile. for some reason the download gets interrupted and fails, when i try to restart it goes back to the beginning and fails again and again. I tried with a download manager (FLOX for mac) but it fails to capture the download from flightsim.com. something about cookies. I could not find in the documentation or the preferences how to allow cookies in FLOX. 

Does anybody have a recommendation for a download manager for Mac that will allow me to download this precios files?

I found at the org some torrented tiles but unfortunately not the ones I am interested most. Eventually would like to have the full coverage but not in big rush. 



Same issue. The download speed is incredibly slow (11 hours for a 1GB file from flightsim.com vs. about an hour for me to download about 10x that from ableton.com grabbing Live 9 packs) and horribly unreliable. I don't have a complaint about the throughput, as I just let it run overnight. It's disappointing that the connection is flaky and unstable, though. Maybe I'll try this out in a month or so after the mad rush (?) has ended.


I do appreciate the effort that went in to creating the scenery, though, and look forward to checking it out later.

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