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What did you fly today?


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So I hooked up my roommates Saitek Pro Flight Yoke, throttles, and pedals to my computer, mapped it all out, was going to do a short hop from KVRB to KMCO in the Challenger 300, pick up some "pax" and fuel, then blast off to N'awleans, but Xplane had different ideas.


Had AirTrack set up to vector me for the ILS 36R at KMCO, taxied out, liftoff was no problem, positive rate - gear up, 1,000ft


Bells, whistles, warning lights and the ECS lit up like a Christmas tree. Its really funny how real world training kicked in. I immediately retarded the left throttle to idle, flipped the "RUN" switch to "OFF" continued down and activated the fire bottle for the left engine, and increased the thrust on the right one. I then preceded to keep flying the plane, and started a left turn to come back around to land. Mentally, I called my mayday and also tuned 7700 in my transponder. Flew a nice, high downwind and lined her up for the single engine landing. It wasn't my prettiest approach, but we made it back down safely. After I taxied off the runway, XP gave me a left side hydraulic failure too, so I had to turn the pumps on to taxi back to the ramp.

I had turned on the "Mean time between failures" option on and set it to 2,000 hours. Totally random, but XP simulated a bird strike (hence the engine fire, probably a compressor stall) and gave me a "real world" scenario to deal with. Coupled with my real-world training, albeit not in anything as complex as this, the experience actually made me sweat a bit and was a hell of a lot more fun than any straight-line flight I've done before.

That, was definitely cool!

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ArmA2 for a comparison, at somewhat reduced visual settings. Not a flight simulation, but also not that bad, as one could expect. It has simplified flight model, but you need to know the basics to fly with success. Even with that in mind, it's actually enjoyable to fly around just for the sake of it, without any actual combat taking place. I have to try "Take on helicopters" yet, I'm just waiting for a more definite version. As for now, I think that merge of semi-simulation with adventure/role playing game can be very interesting, if only done properly.

Edited by Lukasz
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I've tried Arma, I think you are being very kind about the flight model, if you can call it that. An incredible battle simulator nonetheless, and I hope they gradually improve the Take on Helos model. Stay tuned for a post of mine re. Another flying sim I've found.

Ha, we're all killing time before xp10 comes eh!!

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Simon, have you tried Arma or Arma2? There is a difference. While I like no.2 (far from a realistic flight sim of course, but still enjoyable, and that's all I want from it), the first one was very disappointing, basically in every aspect. My Arma2 is also modded to some degree, so that also plays a role. It nicely fills the niche, when I'd like some virtual flying experience, but don't have enough time or I'm too tired to launch XP and think of something more "realistic" :)

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Simon, have you tried Arma or Arma2? There is a difference. While I like no.2 (far from a realistic flight sim of course, but still enjoyable, and that's all I want from it), the first one was very disappointing, basically in every aspect. My Arma2 is also modded to some degree, so that also plays a role. It nicely fills the niche, when I'd like some virtual flying experience, but don't have enough time or I'm too tired to launch XP and think of something more "realistic" :)

I've got 2, Operation Arrowhead so I could try the ToH community preview. You sound more into it than me, it was too scary for me! Sheesh, I started ducking for cover hearing gunshots so near. It can get pretty full-on with the gung-ho types, so not my cup of tea. Yes, good fun in spurts, helis with weapons. I'll post my other diversion very soon, I think you'll like it, I'm more into that right now. Less scary, in some ways.

Why don't you try FSX? That's not realistic at all, much more relaxing :D

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