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Windows X-Plane CTD when changing planes after flying CRJ-200


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I keep seeing references to Gizmo and hearing about different experiences between .org and X-Aviation customer's in this thread and others. I would like to know, what does Gizmo do for this plane? What effects does it control? I've seen this question asked before, but I've never seen a direct answer. If this has been answered in another thread that I haven't seen then I apologize for asking. I'd rather not even have Gizmo in my X-plane folder if it's not needed. If it's not in the .org version, then why is it needed at all?

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I keep seeing references to Gizmo and hearing about different experiences between .org and X-Aviation customer's in this thread and others. I would like to know, what does Gizmo do for this plane? What effects does it control? I've seen this question asked before, but I've never seen a direct answer. If this has been answered in another thread that I haven't seen then I apologize for asking. I'd rather not even have Gizmo in my X-plane folder if it's not needed. If it's not in the .org version, then why is it needed at all?


The CRJ was initially released with an agreement that X-Aviation was the launch distributor. This lasted for a better part of almost six months, and Gizmo's initial role was to handle customer database activations for this product. Keep in mind, for other products it actually was the driving force behind some simulated systems. As time does and has progressed, its purpose is expanding in many aircraft. So much so, that it's an essential tool to produce what are notably some of the most amazing add-ons in development and (some) currently previewed for any flight simulator to date.


There's a few things to note here. Up until X-Plane 10.2 (basically when 64-bit came out around November of last year), Gizmo interfered with a number of plugins. Most noticeably of any of these was SASL. Gizmo and SASL both use the LUA library, and both used OpenAL for sound. This caused some major conflicts that were very hard to pin down, and in a lot of cases when the two were installed together, sound would go haywire to the point having them installed together was rather...annoying. It took a long time to pin down all the issues in this, mainly because we were years into the making already with Gizmo before SASL was around, and a lot had to be re-written and made better to fix these issues. Changes also had to be made on the Laminar side to accommodate both plug-ins.


There are no longer conflicts that exist with Gizmo and other plugins. It took a lot of work, but we got there with an entirely new version of Gizmo. As time moves forward, you are going to see Gizmo used in a lot of the top add-ons being produced for X-Plane, and this extends into the systems simulation. There's nothing to be concerned about any longer (look up the date of the threads you see negative reaction on...they're old). Plainly put, it's not going away, and judging by the developers approaching us as of late, it's rapidly expanding. It's definitely reached its prime time.


You can read more on the conflicts that used to be, and how/when we came to a resolution here: http://blog.x-aviation.com/2012/11/gizmo-and-sasl/


Hope this helps calm your nerves. We are extremely attentive to continually checking compatibility with add-ons these days...even one's we do not produce or sell, because we do not want to cause conflict and annoyance on others' computers.


There are growing pains with anything you do to break the barriers in a market. We've finally nailed this issue and don't anticipate ever having to look back.

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