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Freeware 787-8 project


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And if someone can IP block him, he will have the congressional medal of honor.


He uses proxies to sign up and sign in under a crap ton of ip's. It gives him away every time though. One minute he signs in from California, the next he signs in from Europe. Dumb. :)

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Howard, Don't go around bashing others if you can't even maintain your own image. Seriously, when I tell you to stop using and distributing my 777, you accuse me of stalking, threaten to "arrest" me, and then block me on facebook. Then, you return, add me as a friend and start kissing my ass like it's no one's business. Stop flip-flopping. if you're going to have any thoughts or feelings towards me, pick one and stay it. Another thing, thus far, all you've proven to me is that you know how to talk. Stop throwing empty threats at people and bragging about your skills.


That is all.


In other news, Matthew Huerta has re-done the United 787 livery (as seen on our facebook page) here it is!


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It's a good thing that this aircraft will be freeware...


Not because it may or may not exceed payware quality, even though it very well might; but because the amount of time one wastes reading idiotic posts that have absolutely nothing to do with the development of this aircraft cannot be recovered.  Time = money, freeware or not.


Let's get back to the topic of this thread (the 787-8), shall we?



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Ive been dying for a 787, and i really dont want to buy the aircraft from x-plane. Since they made the 767 i was in love with how detailed a real the aircraft is, and i would be super excited when the 787 has it. waiting patiently for it =D

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