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X-plane 11???

Jordan P.

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I would like to also see plane maker be easier to use. Be able to shape your parts and drag and drop where you want it at instead of using a table system. Also would be nice to be able to move your aircraft around in a 3D wireframe mode instead of side, top and bottom and front and back. Also, better explanation of what some of the tools do as im not a aeronatuical engineer and I have no flipping clue how to use air foil maker either. Would be even better if we didn't have to resort to blender, 3DMax, or Maya or whatever you use just to get a better looking aircraft. Unless Plane Maker is more powerful then I really think it is and I just don't understand it. Well anyways, I like the thought of a drag and drop system to Plane Maker.

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Absolutely no new features other than the completion of what has been discussed as hopes, wishes, and "we expect to's" for XP10, along with the hiring of at least 6-12 more capable programmers to bolster the ranks. They coding staff right now are absolutely expert in what they are doing, but there is so much unfinished business directly related not to the skill of the team, but to the pure lack of hours in the day.

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I just thought that the reason there are a lot of planes is because there is a plane maker and tutorial on how to use it so why not have a scenery maker I know that you can just use blender but if you have a top and side and front view it would help also you could place the scenery in the specific place by just using google earth and seeing where the buildings are placed, then you agust them! It would make it so there is a way for less skilled people to do it! But I think they should still use blender because you would need blender to make high qualitly scener but that is the same as the planes!

(then it might help if some one made some tutorials$

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I just thought that the reason there are a lot of planes is because there is a plane maker and tutorial on how to use it so why not have a scenery maker I know that you can just use blender but if you have a top and side and front view it would help also you could place the scenery in the specific place by just using google earth and seeing where the buildings are placed, then you agust them! It would make it so there is a way for less skilled people to do it! But I think they should still use blender because you would need blender to make high qualitly scener but that is the same as the planes!

(then it might help if some one made some tutorials$

There are tutorials, you certainly don't have to use Blender to make high-quality scenery, and one of the programs even lets you place the scenery in a specific place using satellite imagery. ;)

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i'd love to see a better integration of object design and aircraft design, or simply allow for objects to be designed within planemaker. i'd also love to see them put a limit on how many polygons can be placed on a plane, say 250,000 polygons, because above that, it just gets stupidly heavy in terms of rendering, plus it would allow for much easier rendering on low-end computers. i'd also love to see more diverse datarefs for objects and more integration of modern FBW systems as default in plane's panel systems, such as a more intricate FMS and bugs that indicate your V1, V2, VR etc on the speed indicator

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  • 2 years later...

I dont want anything new in version 11, just want them to perfect what we allready have and make it stable and working with 64bit. Better to stop for a moment and establish the platform, fix the bugs and make sure it works befor introducing something new all the time

yeah but that what updates are for, a whole new version should have way more new stuff you can do and stuff like having push back or better water landings like he said.

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First post diggin up a 2 year old topic, what does this tell you. You need to read the topic date before posting and dragging an old topic to today.

If a topic is deemed irrelevant based on when it was started then maybe it should be deleted so nobody else can post to it.  Otherwise, shouldn't any thread be fair game to post in?  While I think it's bad form to dredge up old topics, I find no harm in doing so.  He's an X-Pilot newbie and, as such, he's just catching up on the tons of stuff already posted.  This thread apparently struck a chord with him and prompted a response.  No harm.  No foul.

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  • 1 year later...

what i would really like to see, and should have been done already, as it's one of the most common sense things to have in an aircraft simulator, is an OWNER MODE, like in the Accu-Sim A2A Skyhawk 172, and it's associated ACCU-SIM expansion pack. there you can act like an aircraft owner, keeping up with logs, maintenance and other tasks the owners have to deal with in real life. parts actually degrade with time and stress, and operator actions can speed that degradation up, or slow it down, just like in real life. there is a maintenance hanger, where you can go to take things apart, and see what needs to be replaced, and what is running well. you can also upgrade the radio and navigation stack. it is such a logical thing for a flight simulator to have within it. 

lastly, i would like to see IFR FLIGHT TRAINING. it would be great if your flight sim could do MORE to help with your gaining further certificates. i'm not saying it should be OFFICIALLY rated, but being able to have a ground school, and practical flight training, like microsoft flight sim use to have (don't know if they still do), is just logical in my opinion. hope this helps. i would love to see these changes. 

Edited by stevae
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  • 7 months later...

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