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YSSY Sydney Airport Photo Scenery

chris k

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Hi Goran,

Appreciate the offer! I'm currently using one of the built-in XP10 Control Towers (which, oddly enough, highly resembles the olde Sydney Tower....)


I also have a sketchup model now of the curvey main control tower. If someone can texture it up; that would be great; as I think that one is going to be far more "iconic" so to speak.

Download here: (Its textured properly in Sketchup - however SKP -> OBJ conversion takes some work, as it will need a proper 2D texture file (and not the built in painted/default ones). I tried my best with this to line it up as an OBJ and export it - but alas, My Sketchup-Fu is weak.

- CK.

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Hi Seth - Absolutely. It's actually a Google Warehouse one I pulled down - which I believe is free for redistribution. (After checking the SU-warehouse licence). I believe the way I read it, that I can use a warehouse object in derivative works.


- CK.

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First Beta Release - Beta 0.1 (For those who like to be bleeding-edge):

>>> File is Depreciated - See Later in this Thread for Beta 0.2

File size: 293 Mbytes (317,014,068 bytes)

YSSY Airport BETA 0.1

Build May 27, 2012

- first beta release to X-Pilot.com people

- XP10 Only - since it uses 90% XP10 objects

Credits: (lots of people have generously donated objects so far!)

- Sethesus (Checkered Huts, Electrical Junction Boxes, YSSY Tower)

- HenryT (Checkered Huts)

- Nickster (Radio Mast, Radar Ball, Red shipping containers, dumpsters, diggers, bollards)

- Skyflyer (HungryJacks, Billboards, McDonalds, etc..)

- Laminar for the LOWI XP9 Buildings (Dunno if I can redistribute this? - tkyler pls advise)

- Nerarmap.com for the orthos at 15cm resolution (free redistribution and derivation for noncommercial use)

I highly suggest using Jack's Ashphalt replacement textures found here:



LOTS OF BUGS!...too many to mention - but I'm aware of them i.e:

- Taxiways have no surface

- Most Taxiways and lines are not aligned to the ortho

- Orthos not optimized in any way (2k x 2k DDSs everywhere)

- Orthos contain aircraft Images

- Orthos not Alpha'd for Water

- Many Taxi signs not aligned

- Incorrect sizing of a few taxi signs

- Incorrect Converted Glyphs on Taxi Signs

- Certain Buildings are simply "stand ins" until I get better objects (i.e. "Delta Hangar"…)

- Glideslope towers and ILSs need alignment from the master database to line up with the scenery

(basically, Sydney moved the GS towers slightly over the years.. you can see where they used to be on the orthos)

(attached changes-to-navaids.txt has the new locations I need to submit to Robin)

- CK.

P.S. Seth - "Runways Follow Terrain" works quite well for this scenery. I test with both "on" and "off" - and they both work fine. RWY 16R/34L has a slight height variation which looks great.

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My goodness! I just tried this out and wow! Even at this early stage of development you've really got a winner here Chris. The look and feel is fantastic (apart from the Botany Bay disaster - has anyone heard when Laminar plans to fix this?). I'll greedily add each beta as you can churn them out. Thanks for this.


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Woah Chris and everyone else, what a spectacular example of cooperation and the ability of an xplane airport to look amazing! Really shows how quick things can move with a few helpers. I've offered before, and 'll do it again, if you want anything, just yell. We'll definitely promote it at the blog.

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Thanks Chris for your great work. I spent a wonderful hour last night with vatsim doing circuits from 25. It was a pleasure to come in over the blast walls! I love the details you've included, like the old pumping station near the threshold of 16L, and even the plane spotters' hill near the tower. :) You have achieved a most realistic feel for the entire airport, and it's much appreciated. Cheers, Justin.

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Glad to see you're all enjoying the Beta!

I hope to make updates around 1 per week or so until completion. My current focus is getting all the taxiways lined up and paved (so you can actually taxi off the runway without going bump-bump-bump across what X-Plane think is just dirt...)

I also want to try an experiment in "crowdsourced Photoshopping". i.e. I'll post a URL which contains all the scenery tiles (PNG format), which if anyone wants to "photoshop out" the images of aircraft on the taxiways/ramps/etc and re-upload as a 'cleaned' image for use int he scenery. I have some days off over the next few days, so I'll try to get them all uploaded someplace which we can all 'get at them', so to speak.

Appreciate all the offers for assistance!

If you see anything in the YSSY area which you have an object for, I am always up for adding it into the final scenery for everyone to enjoy.

For example, here's the Sydney Harbour Bridge in Sketchup (attached). If someone can make a single texture file for it, and convert back to .OBJ (or send me back the .skp and I'll export it as an OBJ), I'll place it in the right place on the map. Other items may include any landmarks, bridges, downtown buildings, etc.... Any donations to the project are highly encouraged and appreciated.

Thanks for all the support guys...!. This is what community is all about =)

- CK.

^^ Harbour Bridge (sketchup)

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Minor update...

I found some great free-to-use Containers and a container crane to help fill out that northern shipping yard w/some different container types. (Only have 3 types like before in the OpenX project is...... well....... limiting to say the least - doesn't give the proper effect of a 'busy shipping area' like it should). Just emailed the author for permission for inclusion.


I'll post a more substantial update tomorrow. (i.e. got the taxiways working, AI traffic now works, more buildings/detail/objects/greenery etc..). Beta 0.2 coming this way soon.!

- CK.

P.S. Simon, Thank Chip and yourself from me for the glowing review on xplane10.wordpress.com. Appreciated!

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UPDATE on the Container Objects from 2 posts above: I have received enthusiastic permission from the Original Author (GaryBKK), as well as a few more containers he had in his back pocket for variance. It's all coming together. =)

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Update: Crowd-sourced Photoshopping of YSSY Tiles

Thanks to all those who mentioned earlier, their willingness to help us clean up the orthos!

New Thread posted here:

(To keep that effort contained in it's own world - i.e. not to pollute this one)

Thanks in advance again to everyone involved. I will send you all Pies. =)

- CK.

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YSSY Airport BETA 0.2

Build Jun 02, 2012



- X-Plane 10 (http://www.x-plane.com/)

- OpensceneryX 2.0 (http://opensceneryx.com/)

- Texture Compression ENABLED (else you'll blow X-Plane's 3.5Gb RAM Limit)

…I haven't optimised the tiles yet, so they use almost 400 Mb all by themselves

- A Modern Video card with at last 512Mb VRAM for texture resolution "very high"

- A Modern Video card with at last 1Gb VRAM for texture resolution "extreme"

You will *want* to run this scenery at "very high" or "extreme" Texture Resolution, or else the effect is lost.


Credits: (lots of people have generously donated objects so far!)

- GaryBKK (Various Shipping Containers, Container Crane)

- Ropeless (Concrete Gables from YSCN - Thanks to the Doctor!)

- Sethesus (Checkered Huts, Electrical Junction Boxes, YSSY Tower)

- HenryT (Checkered Huts)

- Nickster (Radio Mast, Radar Ball, Red shipping containers, dumpsters, diggers, bollards)

- Skyflyer (HungryJacks, Billboards, McDonalds, etc..)

- Laminar for the LOWI XP9 Buildings (Dunno if I can redistribute this? - tkyler pls advise)

- Nerarmap.com for the Orthophotography Imagery at 15cm resolution (free redistribution and derivation for noncommercial use)

I highly suggest using Jack's (FlyJSim's) "über-kewl" Asphalt replacement textures found here:



Beta 0.2 Changes/Additions/Fixes:

- Almost all Taxiways are surfaced and connected! You can taxi on them now.

- Taxiway Centrelines begun to be aligned/fixed/optimized.

- Runway edge markers starting to be removed (check RWY 07, first and second northern taxi connections/exits - no white lines!).

- Taxiway markings begun (T1, B6, Gate Directions, etc), Yellow Warning/Hash Bars on Taxiway Edging

- Fixed a series of Gate Positions which conflicted with buildings/jetways.

- Most Signs/Glyphs fixed/aligned/properly positioned

- Adjusted both Intl. and Domestic Aprons in such a way that AI Aircraft don't drive through buildings now.

- Tiles are now at LAYER_GROUP Taxiway +1, meaning they are there under the ortho.

- Added New 40-foot containers (GaryBKK) into the shipping yard.

- Converted OBJ 700 to OBJ 850 for GaryBKK's containers (so they're visible in WED now and up-to-date for 8.50 OBJ format).

- Created a dynamic library for all the container types, (12 different ones or so), so X-Plane now selects containers at random.

- Added Container Loader (GaryBKK), Has some nice HDR Lighting on it!

- Replaced Wooden Gables with Concrete ones (Dr. Ropeless) along all 3 runway edges (as per reality). Looks much better.

- Much more Greenery, Trees, Tree Lines, Parking Lot Trees, etc...

- More Fencing (VOR, Radar Station, Container Yard, Const. Areas etc...)

- Fixed various XP10 Lighting on the Intl Apron.

- Fixed / Aligned numerous taxiway hold markings.

- Various taxiway optimisations and use of proper Bezier curves where available.

- Taxiway T and most of the Runway 34R/16L is now complete in terms of taxi/Markings/etc…

- Removal of duplicated centre line lighting/marks and Beziers where not necessary.

- Traced out and added customised Apron Edge Markers (Blue Light on White Cone, as in reality)

- Fixed Red Fence Lighting North of RWY 16R



LOTS OF BUGS!...too many to mention - but I'm aware of them i.e:

- Taxiway Edge Markings and Centrlines are not aligned to the ortho (In progress - Fixing)

- Orthos not optimized in any way (2k x 2k DDSs everywhere)

- Orthos contain aircraft Images (In Progress - Asked Community for Assistance)

- Orthos not Alpha'd for Water

- Certain Buildings are simply "stand ins" until I get better objects (i.e. "Delta Hangar", and "USPS Post Office" - should be Australia POST for example)

- Glideslope towers and ILSs need alignment from the master database to line up with the scenery

(basically, Sydney moved the GS towers slightly over the years.. you can see where they used to be on the orthos)

(attached changes-to-navaids.txt has the new locations I need to submit to Robin)



File size: 306,760,649 bytes

- CK.

Edit: Just tested EADT's new x737 BBJ v4.6.0 with it. Lookin' nice! (and LOL.... 7 fps..! Heh - but mind you that was on my Laptop)


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YSSY Airport BETA 0.3

Build Jun 10, 2012

Credits: (lots of people have generously donated their time and objects so far!)

- SimmoW (Photoshopped Tiles)

- Ropeless (Many Photoshopped Tiles, Concrete Gables from YSCN - Thanks to the Doctor!)

- GaryBKK (Various Shipping Containers, Container Crane)

- Sethesus (Checkered Huts, Electrical Junction Boxes, YSSY Tower)

- HenryT (Checkered Huts)

- Nickster (Radio Mast, Radar Ball, Red shipping containers, dumpsters, diggers, bollards)

- Skyflyer (HungryJacks, Billboards, McDonalds, etc..)

- Laminar for the LOWI XP9 Buildings (Dunno if I can redistribute this? - tkyler pls advise)

- Nerarmap.com for the Orthophotography Imagery at 15cm resolution (free redistribution and derivation for noncommercial use)

Beta 0.3 changes/additions/fixes:

Big Stuff:

- Large VRAM Optimization by cutting down many DDSs (1k x 1k) in areas which didn't require hi-res.

Should reduce the VRAM usage considerably, and boost FPS.

- Various Tiles successfully Photoshopped, removing aircraft Images on them (Big Thanks to Dr. Ropeless, and SimmoW!)

Coming along nicely Boys! Keep it up!

Minor Changes:

- More Trees/Edging of forests. Let me know if the liberal use of the 3D tree.obj is severely negatively impacting your FPS on this.

- More Fencing in various locations, incl. edge lighting and pathway lighting (XP10 lighting/Use HDR for this)

- Lined up more taxiways and markings, fixed various signs.

- Removal of some buildings north of the airport which didn't work where they were.

- Fixing/Detail of Heliport area. Again, advise if the heavy use of the 3D tree.obj if this is negatively impacting FPS.

- Additional Cars in southern parking lots, lighting.

- Moved Harbour Bridge closer to where it needs to be (not yet aligned, but in the right area now)

Still needs texturing.


File: Depreciated - See 0.4 Later in this Thread

Size: 240,265,381 Bytes (Note the large decrease in the filesize due to DDS Optimizations)

- CK.

Edited by chris k
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In An X-Plane 10 Release

Long Long ago.......

A Heinous crime was committed against a small body of water in Australia.

Now, through the Magic of Alpha Channels;

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I present to you....

Botany Bay!




That was some serious cutting. Reminds me why I hate using the magic eraser on water. Never works right, and always needs some manual touchups....

- CK.

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