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Simul Weather Engine


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I was completely blown off after seeing this !! Just amazing !! Wish we had this engine in X-Plane 10.

In the second video you actually see how it feels like to ACTUALLY fly through the clouds unlike X-Plane 10 in which visibility drops to zero as soon as you touch the cloud layer.

Edited by Baber20
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We have to remember though that Xplane 10 is first a flight simulator and the cloud simulation is secondary eye candy . This is a company that builds weather simulations and put all their efforts into building an awsome one Just as Austin builds an awsome Flightsim . I think that when you compare Xplane10 to FSX and Xplane9 He has done an exellent job with the WX.

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We have to remember though that Xplane 10 is first a flight simulator and the cloud simulation is secondary eye candy . This is a company that builds weather simulations and put all their efforts into building an awsome one Just as Austin builds an awsome Flightsim . I think that when you compare Xplane10 to FSX and Xplane9 He has done an exellent job with the WX.

Yes, but ... FSX clouds look better with REX and are more realistic. Even beta 7 clouds in X-Plane look very strange sometimes (I see clouds I never saw in real life). X-Plane 9 was one version behind FSx, I would even say FS9 (but thats arguable).

Quite frankly, with current hardware (and GLs) on the market we should expect more and finally we see the effects so there's no arguments. I wished that FS team never disappeared, maybe after 5 years we would have new innovation (as I saw in FS9, FSX).

I am glad I haven`t blown $80 away on this sim, I will checkout the other options that are opening up on the horizon. Right now, because of the poor FPS, various scenery, clouds issues I switched back flying in FSX with REX and ORBX. I can`t come back and look at X-Plane again after playing FSX. Just my 2 cents.

Edited by zoltron_rulez
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Still the question remains: how much ressources does this need? Because its nice to have fantastic clouds ... but if in the end you have not many CPU/GPU cycles left to render scenery/airplane (and compute flightmodel, ATC etc. etc.) ... then the 1-2 FPS will not mak you happy.

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Still the question remains: how much ressources does this need? Because its nice to have fantastic clouds ... but if in the end you have not many CPU/GPU cycles left to render scenery/airplane (and compute flightmodel, ATC etc. etc.) ... then the 1-2 FPS will not mak you happy.

I would be really suprised if the performance is poor. If they charge $200 K for this and the performance is poor they will stuggle and or disappear real fast. It is really difficult (if not impossible) fool good developers or large software companies to purchase poor performance SDKs, that's not the case with regular software customers (no harm intended).

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Bohemia interactive is also one of their customers. Reason why I am pointing them out because I think they will use this engine in Arma 3 (I am not 100% certain, just saw few demos).

Arma is military combat simulator for various audiences and the game/sim is way ahead of the games suchs Battlefield 3 and Modern warfare when it comes to graphics, balistics, etc.

Here's a link to preview of Arma 3:

Edited by zoltron_rulez
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Ooh, I didn't know that they were already working on 3! Can't wait to watch that vid. but flight models in 2 are bad, real bad. Spose it's not worth the effort, as you rarely fly for very long!

If the fix the flight models, oh wow that would be so great. My order of preference:

- Fix it for planes

- Fix it for ground vehicles

- Fix for helicopters (I can live with the current flight model since it is least annoying)

Edited by zoltron_rulez
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