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Copy flight plan into the aircraft


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13 minutes ago, stevebiker said:

I have seen a video on how to import the flight plan in the airplane. Unfortunately, I can't get it to select in the display. I copied the flight plan to X-plane12/Output/FMS plans. But when I click on Index -Status the plan is not visible. So how do I load a Simbrief plan correctly?

The included FMS Primer would give you a hint...

To load from FMS Plans, go to the INDEX page, select ROUTE MENU, then DISK ROUTE LIST.

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I have now tried to send a flight plan created via Simbrief to the airplane using the FMS Primer instructions.
The method "Load a route vis Datalink." Unfortunately, after clicking on "Send" I do not get the hoped-for message "DL FPLN LOADED", but "FPLN rejected"! Now I don't know what to do again! 

How does loading a flight plan work if I already have it in the Output/FMS plans folder? I have tried, but I get the message "Bad route parse"! Had created it via simbrief, what could be the cause?

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1 hour ago, stevebiker said:

How does loading a flight plan work if I already have it in the Output/FMS plans folder?



1 hour ago, stevebiker said:

I have tried, but I get the message "Bad route parse"! Had created it via simbrief, what could be the cause?

SimBrief generated a malformed flight plan.

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5 hours ago, stevebiker said:

Hm, now I have created a new flight plan. The aircraft ID is identical to the newly created aircraft. But when I try to enter this ID in the FMS, I get the message "Invalid entry"!

Don't put dashes in your flight number, that's nonsensical. But to be specific, the FMS Primer mentions only “Registration” (which has been renamed to "Airframe" on the generated flight plan page you screenshotted, Thanks SimBrief for being inconsistent) or “Fin Number” (which isn't displayed, but is from the selected airframe), nothing about "Flight Number" (which may still work if properly formatted, but I can't remember).

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Thank you very much for your answer. I have created a new aircraft, new identifier, OE785, flight number 232, created a new flight plan from another airport, exported it and tried to import it via Datalink. Again the same error message, "bad flightplan", or similar. I am at the end of my knowledge. 

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6 minutes ago, stevebiker said:

Thank you very much for your answer. I have created a new aircraft, new identifier, OE785, flight number 232, created a new flight plan from another airport, exported it and tried to import it via Datalink. Again the same error message, "bad flightplan", or similar. I am at the end of my knowledge. 

Again, this is SimBrief generating bad flight plans. They've been told about it and obviously haven't fixed it. Try removing SID/STAR from the flight plan.

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I have tried again. I enter the aircraft ID, then the two airports, start and destination and, poof, the aircraft ID disappears!
See screenshot.
But even a plan created with LittleNavMap was not accepted.
I don't understand it anymore. The ID is now OE785

Where I find the fms plan file?




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I thought only the link to Simbrief was needed! Unfortunately, I haven't read anywhere that I need to enter any other data. What else is necessary?
Under Networking, for example, I can't even check the box for Navigraph, where I have a paid account. Aeronav.faa.gov is checked, but I haven't even heard of it!
At the bottom of Datalink, what should I enter for Pilot ID?
Or rather, I can't enter anything there. 

O.k., I have switched off the airplane. Then I was able to enter the pilot ID. Now I'll try my luck again!

Pilot ID.jpg

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I have a new flight plan and have now entered the pilot ID in the user settings. But in the log file I see a number of warnings, some of them:
2023-12-03 20:37:28 CL650[gps_png.c:105]: Download of failed: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not in order
Something still seems to be missing in my user settings! Let me show you the log file and the new plan.

I also despaired of the user settings
I am desperate!

Oh well, the other method I tried , under Index/Route menu/Disk Route List.
When I click on the plan LEVCLEMD01 there, the message Bad Route Parse!

user interface.jpg

Pilot ID Networking.jpg

LEVCLEMD01.fms Log.txt

Disk Route List.jpg

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