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Two GPU questions:

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1) Should these lights come on when the GPU is plugged in even though the Battery is in the OFF position (key not even inserted)  ???
The hands on the %TORQUE gauge come to life:




2) I am asking you to assign a command for GPU support (on / off), so that you do not have to expand the upper XP menu (I fly VR).


A great plane. I haven't flown it for a long time, and now this love has revived   :)



PS.  still no sound of opening/closing the locker (in which there is a key) ;););)


Edited by Bulva
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2 hours ago, Bulva said:

Should these lights come on when the GPU is plugged in even though the Battery is in the OFF position

Yes....as far as I can tell.  There's use of the phraseology in the maintenance manual of "turn battery key on (or connect external power)".  The key essentially "connects the batteries to the busses", whereas the external power receptable also engergizes a relay that can connect the GPU power to the main busses also.

Indeed there is a troubleshooting step in the maintenance manual for when connecting external power does not power the main busses, and the battery key switch does not factor in to those troubleshooting steps. 

As far as the torque gauges goes, they indicate 100% when unpowered. When connecting the GPU, which energizes the DC busses,  they spring to life and 'indicate'

I'm going to do a deeper dive into the electrical system at some point to try and get it as accurate as i can. These older analog wiring diagrams can be a challenge to interpret and take some time.

Regarding the GPU toggle, I'll add that command (though I have no idea why I didn't when  making the on/off commands.   mind-blank apparently)


Edited by tkyler
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