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What is the yellow handle for?


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5 hours ago, divinglyc said:

Could someone please tell me? Thanks!

Those are "lever locks", which keeps the handles from moving on their own due to vibration (in the real thing).  If you move them forward to lock the levers in place in sim, you'll find you won't be able to move the levers.  I've written some preliminary code (currently commented out) to retard the levers ever so slightly based on vibration/turbulence.....but the real conditions that cause levers to move are a bit more varied based on differing aircaft models and maintenance, tensions etc....so I haven't decided just how I'll go about implementing "lever movement due to vibration/turbulence"...but I will at some point and will document it.  At the least I need to document those handles in an orientation capacity.  Thx for the feedback.


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50 minutes ago, Bulva said:

I think (but I may be wrong) that it performs a similar function as well as a similar lever on the right. 
This one on the right blocks the PROP levers.
So by analogy, I'm assuming that the one on the left is blocking the Throlle levers. ;-)


Oh! I didn't notice there is a similar one on the right!

I think you are right!

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14 minutes ago, tkyler said:

Those are "lever locks", which keeps the handles from moving on their own due to vibration (in the real thing).  If you move them forward to lock the levers in place in sim, you'll find you won't be able to move the levers.  I've written some preliminary code (currently commented out) to retard the levers ever so slightly based on vibration/turbulence.....but the real conditions that cause levers to move are a bit more varied based on differing aircaft models and maintenance, tensions etc....so I haven't decided just how I'll go about implementing "lever movement due to vibration/turbulence"...but I will at some point and will document it.  At the least I need to document those handles in an orientation capacity.  Thx for the feedback.


Thanks a lot for the clear explanation! :)

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