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I saw a big difference in the Flightpath vector readings on HUD and MFD


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I saw a big difference in the Flightpath vector readings on HUD and MFD. In the video, you realized that exposure to MFD Flightpath vector led to a landing to RWY. I understand that this is a minor flaw inherent in the Challenger 650 aircraft, and you are forced to repeat it. And until he is eliminated on the plane itself, will he stay on the flight simulator?


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You should not be using the FPV or SVS depictions as your primary means of navigation. Reference: Flight Crew Operations Manual Vol 2. 

It should not be surprising that there are minor differences in the depictions of both systems, this is realistic. If you can see the runway, use your eyeballs to land on it. If you can’t, use the approach guidance for navigation, not SVS. 


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Thanks for the quick response and I now know that it is impossible to pilot by the Flight path vector pointer .

But you did not specify where it is written in the Flight Crew Operations Manual about the possible (permissible) difference in the Flight path vector readings on HUD and MFD?

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I now know that it is impossible to pilot by the Flight path vector pointer .

Everybody else can pilot this airplane with no problem. 

5 hours ago, Bulat said:

But you did not specify where it is written in the Flight Crew Operations Manual about the possible (permissible) difference in the Flight path vector readings on HUD and MFD?

There is limited reference to FPV in both FCOMs. I will however refer you to the below, do not fly using only the FPV. Do not expect manual references with every answer as this is very time consuming. 



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5 hours ago, Bulat said:

But you did not specify where it is written in the Flight Crew Operations Manual about the possible (permissible) difference in the Flight path vector readings on HUD and MFD?

Operating manuals are written for the purpose of describing how to operate the airplane safely, not describing instrument tolerances. The references posted from the manual are all that’s needed for the crew to understand that the FPV and SVS are not navigational tools. 

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Thanks for the good piloting tips!
There should be no difference in the Flight path vector readings, as there can be no difference in the length of the landing gear, half-wing, etc. 
       The onboard processor on a live aircraft calculates the value of the Flight path vector and provides all consumers. You know that very well. But your CL650 obviously has two sources of calculations and the Flight path vector display, and from here there is a difference (I may be wrong). In my subjective opinion, HUD has more plausible data.
Do you think I have correctly justified the need for amendments, or will we continue the debate on how to pilot an airplane correctly?

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1 hour ago, Bulat said:

There should be no difference in the Flight path vector readings, as there can be no difference in the length of the landing gear

I love how philosophical your points have become. Actually, in real life, the length of landing gear is not a single fixed value, and will vary based on aircraft weight, tire pressure, age of the tire, atmospheric conditions, and so on. Of course the operating manuals don’t discuss this because it doesn’t matter to the crew. 

I do agree with you when you say that your argument is a subjective opinion and you may be wrong, so I’ll leave it at that. 

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There is nothing to fix.

The FPV indications on the HUD and PFD are identical. 

Any "difference in indications" you are seeing is because the runway as depicted in synthetic vision isn't in exactly the same spot. The synthetic vision's position is not going to be 100% accurate. This is true in the real aircraft. 

I will not entertain any further debate on this topic. You may take this up privately if you wish.

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