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I uninstalled the CL 650, delete the CL650 folder in Output. (I did it twice)
I reinstalled by starting with the navigraph box checked, in career mode. Still no cards.
On the other hand, they are displayed well in Avitab!

I just redid a test on my backup XP.
If I got the pop'up window to link the CL650 with Navigraph, from the launch, I still don't have the maps.

It's really a shame, because everything works fine, apart from this problem. (and I don't like not to understand...)
I opened a ticket on X-Aviation, but they refer me to the x-Pilot forum


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On 1/29/2022 at 5:06 AM, jeanfrancoisderrien said:

Yes quite
On 35 to 40 tries of I only saw the cards two or three times
Otherwise I have either a black screen or a "xxxx-No chart Available" screen
I uninstalled all the plugins: still no maps
I installed on new X-Plane: still no maps

I'm on Windows 11. Could this be a problem?

thank you for your reply

Could you provide your Log.txt from a sim session where this fails. Thanks.

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2 hours ago, jeanfrancoisderrien said:



After clic " visit web " !!!





Pils , help me , please

Could you possible install a second copy of XP and run this test again without any extra plugins or scenery, please? The log is very full and hard to debug. The installers from Laminar and X-Aviation allow a second copy.

Edited by Pils
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On 02/02/2022 at 20:15, Pils said:

Pourriez-vous installer une deuxième copie de XP et relancer ce test sans plugins ou décors supplémentaires, s'il vous plaît ? Le journal est très complet et difficile à déboguer. Les installateurs de Laminar et X-Aviation permettent une deuxième copie.

Hello Pils

I put back the log1, which follows a new installation of X-Plane, without any plugin
There are many error lines on FMOD . Why ?
and there is :

2022-02-01 17:29:27 CL650[chart_prov_common.c:198]: Error downloading chart index https://aeronav.faa.gov/d-tpp/1802/xml_data/d-TPP_Metafile.xml: HTTP error 404

thank you for your help


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I think I found the problem, because now it works on both my XP.

The problem came from me, to my great shame

When I entered the flight plan, in POS INIT, I was not waiting for the GNSS alignment. I simply copied the coordinates displayed opposite the start. I even think that when I tried to display the maps, the GNSS were not aligned! hence the error messages

I did several tests while waiting for the GNSS and each time it works.
  Thank you PILS for your help and sorry for this false problem

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Once again after stopping XP which was working well, after restarting XP the maps are not displayed, despite waiting for the alignment of the GNSS
Here's how I did it:

This morning :
Installing a new version of XP / No plugins
Installing the CL650
Launch XP and cl 650
Click on "visit website" Navigraph several times
After two to three minutes opening pop'up window in XP indicating the launch of Navigraph.
Navigraph screen asking me to authorize the link with XP --> OK
XP shutdown
Log after these operations:  1_Log après navigraph ok.txt


XP reboot
CL650 loading with same airframe, same airport
Battery , AC/DC , APU started
Came an FPL (without loading airacs, because not installed)
Departure, sid, star, arrival
Deleted discontinuity
Charts visible on the co-driver side
Stop XP
Log after these operations:  2_Log après avoir entré FPL.txt

Airacs Update Feb 2022
Booted XP and CL 650
Changed airframe
Activate airacs in "Status"
Entered same FPL (idem 2)
Charts visible on the co-driver side
Log after these operations:3_Graphes d'affichage des logs OK.txt  

Closing XP

This afternoon :

Getting Started XP
Joystick Calibration
Started CL 650 with new aiframe on new airport
GNSS aligned
Entered FPL (Start, sid, star, finish, deleted discontinuity)
No maps displayed on the pilot side !!!!!!!!!!!
Log after these operations:  

4_Log NO CHARTS.txt

Hoping that with all this you can find a solution
Thank you


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Deleting the CL650 directory from Output will reset your user settings including any charts service selections and authentication data. You’re 100% sure you reset your settings afterwards?

Also, clicking the “visit” button isn’t what brings up the authentication page, it’s the act of turning on the power to the FMS(es) and it determining an (re)authentication is required.

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I reinstalled following your instructions.

At each of my tests I delete the main CL650 folder + the CL650 folder in "Output" + the CL650 folder in "Output --->Caches", first of all

I then install the CL650 with CL-650-xindows-x64-installer.exe
I run XP
I choose a new flight, select the standard CL650 and the departure airport
I start the flight
I select "career mode"
I do not change anything in the next window
I do "Enter FBO" then "Confirm"
I enter my credentials in X-Aviation Licensing
I'm waiting for X-Aviation validation
In the "Master Warning" window which is opened, click on "YES, KEEP IT LOUD!"
I advance to the tarmac
I open the "User Settings" window ---> "Networking"
I check the Navigraph box
I uncheck the Aeronav.faa box
I enter my simbreaf ID ( 53100 )
I close the "User settings" window
I open the door, enter the cockpit, request External AC and DC
AC/DC Utility set to ON
FMS: Airacs status update. Enter the FPL
Map consultation on the co-pilot side: "LFBO-NO CHART COVERAGE AVAILABLE" :(

I do not understand anything !

Should we restart the simulator or the computer once the Navigrah validation is done?
I also tried by removing the "Preferences" folder in "Output" , without result

I am attaching my log following this negative test...  

Sorry to bother you with this problem.


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I tried again just after shutting down and restarting XP, started another flight somewhere else, changed airframe and entered new FPL
No Navigraph link message
No map displayed

By checking the "User Settings" I found that my Simbreaf ID was 0 !!! Why did he change, I don't know. What is on, it is not me!
We can't change it and I have to go back to the FBO
Then tried again with the correct ID, but still no card displayed

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I privately sent you the .cfg file
I did a fresh install on another SSD.
At the first launch I have the Cl650 / Navigraph link window which opens and which I validate. Then I can see the cards
If I close and restart XP and the CL650, the maps are no longer displayed, as if the link had not been saved .... but it does not offer me to send a new link!

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I just did the last try
I did a fresh install of XP on my system C drive:
I also changed browser (Edge instead of Firefox)
After charging the CL650, battery, AC/DC, the connection window with opened. I validated and after loading an FPL the maps are displayed correctly (KSEA)
I restarted XP, loaded a new airframe on a new airport, entered a new FPL and the maps no longer appear!


I restarted XP with the first airframe on the same airport as the first time (KSEA) and the maps are no longer displayed

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