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Simmo W

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Just a word of caution re. instructions to delete 2005/2008 Redistributables...I've now found that my A10-C sim needs 2008 to work, so really, I'd say none of these should be deleted if you want to keep your other windows programs working. Well, that's my situation anyway. This might help to narrow down the strategy to fix.

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Just a word of caution re. instructions to delete 2005/2008 Redistributables...I've now found that my A10-C sim needs 2008 to work, so really, I'd say none of these should be deleted if you want to keep your other windows programs working. Well, that's my situation anyway. This might help to narrow down the strategy to fix.


The instructions are to uninstall and then reinstall in succession to figure out the exact culprit. You've quite clearly misunderstood this.

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Just a word of caution re. instructions to delete 2005/2008 Redistributables...I've now found that my A10-C sim needs 2008 to work, so really, I'd say none of these should be deleted if you want to keep your other windows programs working. Well, that's my situation anyway. This might help to narrow down the strategy to fix.


The instructions are to uninstall and then reinstall in succession to figure out the exact culprit. You've quite clearly misunderstood this.

Yes, I have. It's my fault for not understanding, very sorry. Getting too technical for this user.

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please make clear that Gizmo and shrinkwrap are not so important once the plane is activated - maybe I am wrong but for me it seems those both plugins are only for activation. If not please be so kind and make clear what they are doing.

It seems that running without those plugins does not change the CRJ200 at all - as far as I see. In my machine it helped to get back to work with xsquawkbox.

Maybe you need Gizmo for future enhancement of the CRJ200?!

Regards Tom

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please make clear that Gizmo and shrinkwrap are not so important once the plane is activated - maybe I am wrong but for me it seems those both plugins are only for activation. If not please be so kind and make clear what they are doing.

It seems that running without those plugins does not change the CRJ200 at all - as far as I see. In my machine it helped to get back to work with xsquawkbox.

Regards Tom


They ARE important to the masses because this is how the CRJ ships. If you want to get crafty and remove the plugins, then okay...as long as its after activation. However, this will cause issues down the line when you need to re-activate.

I'm still unclear on the XSB issue. In the poll I have done in a short list of users, and one additional user on this forum, all have reported that the CRJ (1.1), Gizmo, and Shrink Wrap all work perfectly well with XSB. I can't vouch for you, and I know your test was otherwise. That said, I do NOT recommend that people start removing plugins associated to the CRJ unless you know what you're doing, and because of that I will not recommend this to the general population at all.

I know you are a heavy SASL user, so this only helps to make matters "worse" for you.

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How about you go and test the Cirrus Jet against XSB Gizmo and Shrink Wrap instead of muddying the waters more about an issue already covered, and responded too politely in your existing threads.


Cause this product eats my time if I just want to use it - yesterday I just wanted to do an online flight and it ends in a xx hours session to find out why the crj with xsquawkbox does not work - I am not asked or paid to be a beta tester but I am sitting hours and hours to solve problems which you guys from xaviation give to me the paying customer - not to all users of course but as in the case of the crj to many.

@ Ben - I feel you comment very insulting please stopp this. If I want to ask you something I will do this very clearly.

Thanks and Regards Tom

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Please keep us informed about your progress in this Fu..... issue with C++ stuff. Well as you can see also DCS: A10 are having lots of patches (right now to fix several problems as well improve it). Normal in complex simulators. But one good thing they have is that they don't have their simulator with other options. X-Plane is opened to any addom or plugin. DCS is also opened.. but much more less. Only modifications.. and little programming.

Well anyway.. keep us informed.. and if you can find another computer where you can try to see if it is working, would be a good idea. Also install Ubuntu in your computer. You would have better frame rate in the CRJ in linux. (but drivers in Ubuntu is a little kick in the ass.. sooo hahaha.. well...... welcome to computers.... you know.. once I hit one of my keyboards with my fist, because I had 2 weeks of installing stuff and suddendly the Hardrive didn't work.

Take a deep breath and count to 1 million.

But this has one good point. I learned a lot in recovering computers, and fixing them....

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Thanks Javier. Similar to TOBS I've wasted alot of time on this, but like all good geeks will periodically try to beat it! It gets me down, ESP. When I realize the time spent.

In 12 hrs I'll finish off cleansing all my plugins, except for beloved Giz and Vascore and SW. Just wait till everyone sees what Arnaud has done with Gizm for his T28!! He has certainly mastered gizmo, thats all I can say. If plugins cleanout fails, I won't try anything else - reinstalls, trying other 'alien' OS that make my Rexplane incompatible, or dummy installs are far too time consuming when all my other planes still work.

The bulk of a10c patch is enhancements, not fixes. Only 3 patches since the long Beta public release. Massive no. of tweaks. I updated today, flawless and quick, and managed this quick vid- gorgeous shading inside cockpit! Even the switches are shaded.

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Thanks Javier. Similar to TOBS I've wasted alot of time on this, but like all good geeks will periodically try to beat it! It gets me down, ESP. When I realize the time spent.

In 12 hrs I'll finish off cleansing all my plugins, except for beloved Giz and Vascore and SW. Just wait till everyone sees what Arnaud has done with Gizm for his T28!! He has certainly mastered gizmo, thats all I can say. If plugins cleanout fails, I won't try anything else - reinstalls, trying other 'alien' OS that make my Rexplane incompatible, or dummy installs are far too time consuming when all my other planes still work.

The bulk of a10c patch is enhancements, not fixes. Only 3 patches since the long Beta public release. Massive no. of tweaks. I updated today, flawless and quick, and managed this quick vid- gorgeous shading inside cockpit! Even the switches are shaded.

Hi Simon, please can you explain a bit more about what is the a10c patch. Is this the plane you show in the video which got a patch version or what is it - sorry but I am lost - the video looks very good

Cheers Tom

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Hi Tom. It's just a free improvement to the DCS A-10c sim, google it. Sheesh, even this only uses 2 of my i7 cores, but it runs ok on my system-  however the shading is starting to push things a bit, so a 570 is looking very attractive right now! Yours will eat it up nicely. Online is very easy to use, but hard to stay alive :-)

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GREAT NEWS!- After removing all my plugins other than Vascore, Gizmo and SW, I have been able to reboot my pc THREE times and still see the working screens humming along at 35fps at 16AA and generally high graphics settings. I'll gradually migrate plugins back across to tell you the culprit. Move a couple over, fly for a few days, till I get the same issue. I will hunt it down forever.

I think we'll all remember the release of this plane for a very long time!


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Ok.. stay calm.. don't call it a victory until you see that everything is ok. AND put back plugins one by one.. testing long to verify everything is ok.

I knew that your problem is not CRJ one, but your system as I said. Borry and heavy to do but it must be done to fly it.

relax and make testings long enough to verify that everything is ok....

and enjoy flying.

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