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Updating Navigation Database - Having issues


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I understand that the TBM 900 uses the same database as XP. I subscribed to Navigraph and updated XP - and was able to see that all the files in the ...\CIFP folder were dated as of a week or so ago - so I'm assuming that this has updated correctly.

However when I start the MFD on the TBM 900 it's still reporting that the databases are about 4 years old - and when I bring up the list of available departures from NZNS they aren't correct (eg last one should be a ZULU2 departure).

In MSFS when I do the same thing on the TBM 930 I see the correct list of departures although I'm not sure if it just shipped with a later database anyway (I'm struggling to find a way to verify database date on the MFD of any aircraft on either sim platform)

When I checked the C172-G1000 model under XP it also doesn't show the correct departure list for NZNS.

Can someone please give me a heads-up as to what I'm going wrong? The Navigraph FMS manager scans and finds XP - downloads about a 16MB file - then installes several thousand files - it's all looking just fine - it just doesn't appear to be giving me the right data.

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Just some follow-up photos of what I'm seeing; I ran the 737-800 aircraft in XP and was able to verify that the database is the current AIRAC cycle (expires 03 Dec 2020) - but I don't know enough about how to use a FMC to see what SIDs are available.

From what I can see so far it looks like Navigraph is downloading & updating XP just fine, but the G1000 equipped aircraft appear to be looking somewhere other than the X-Plane\custom\CIFP folder for their data.

I really need some help with this ... at the "brain about to explode" stage :(

HS TBM 900.jpeg

HS TMB Init.jpeg


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42 minutes ago, Goran_M said:


Thanks, I'd already read that thread several times, & it's not helping.

Basically XP Nav database IS updated according to both Navigraph and what I'm seeing on the 737-800 FMC (and verifying by way of checking file date stamps) - but the G1000 on the TBM and C172 don't appear to be using it because the correct SIDs aren't there (per the photos).

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13 minutes ago, Goran_M said:

In that case, you might be better off sending an email off to Laminar and asking if something went wrong in an update.  The TBM uses the default moving map and all navigation code for the displays.  If the navdata isn't updating correctly, it is definitely something that they did.

Thanks. Just to confirm - if the TBM model is using up-to-date databases then the correct date of those will be reflected on the init screen of the MFD on power-up - Correct?


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39 minutes ago, Goran_M said:

Correct.  What you're seeing on the G1000 display is what would be seen on any aircraft, default or payware, that uses the default G1000 display.


Thanks for that. eMail sent. I copied the \custom data into a \default folder that I found with identical-looking files but - alas - that just crashed the sim. So at this stage I'll just have to wait to hear back from Laminar.


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Thanks Dan,

I'm currently discussing the issue with Richard @ Navigraph, and he's asked a couple of questions in the same area:

  1. Which XP Nav Specification expect the Hot Start TBM900 (XP11.50 below or XP11.50 above?)? That´s important because it depends which dataset you should use. I guess this can only be answered by the developer.
  2. Which is the exact path, from where the Hot Start TBM900 reads the data? /???

@Goran_M Just wondering if you're able to answer the above for me?

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OK - think I'm making some progress here;

1. I've found nav data in 2 places "custom" and "default". When I open up the NZNS file in both the one in the "custom" folder lists 14 unique SID procedure names - that correspond with 14 SIDs available to me in the sim whilst at NZNS. So it's looking like the sim is getting the correct data after all.

2. The init screen is still showing the databases as being about 4 years old - not sure why. @Goran_M

3. What initially lead me down the garden path was that I was looking for 3 SIDs that exist in the real world - but not in X-Plane - but do appear to exist in MSFS2020. Richard @ Navigraph explained to me that they're not in their dataset because they don't have end points; they basically end in an "turn left to go to this intersection or right to go to another one" - and the code can't cope with that; I'd assumed that the data wasn't current because they weren't there. When I asked about "how they were present in MSFS2020" he confirmed that indeed although they're there, they're just wrong in what they're pointing to. How this reconciles with the real world I have no idea (but will follow-up with an A320 captain friend to ask).

Edited by CJSouthern
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Thanks Dani,

Are you using X-Plane 11.5r3?

Could you please do me a favour and tell me what date your databases are showing on the init screen of the TBM 900 when you power it up?

EDIT: Sorted. It was indeed an issue with the dataset version; as soon as I switched to the 11.41- format the MFD showed the current data.

Looks like a "trap for young players" unless whatever it is that's using the old format is updated to use the new format.

Thanks again Dani - first breakthrough I've had in 2 days working on this issue.



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8 hours ago, Goran_M said:

The navdata you should be using is for XP 11.00 and above.  If you use 11.50, you will get the ILS bug (which is fixed for the next update)

My options were 11.41- or 11.50+  I initially had the 11.50+ format but the TBM wasn't seeing it; as soon as I switched to the 11.41- format it instantly saw it. 

If you're implying that the TBM900 currently runs under the 11.50+ format (albeit with an ILS bug) then all I can say is "it wasn't at my end".

Noticed a small visual you might like to address in the next update; if you look at the pilot through the windshield from the outside it doesn't show him wearing a headset when the headset option is selected on (guessing probably same for O2 mask although I haven't tested). Given your amazing fidelity in every other area I thought it might have been something you didn't intend to overlook (suggested in a spirit of improvement, not criticism).

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6 hours ago, CJSouthern said:

if you look at the pilot through the windshield from the outside it doesn't show him wearing a headset when the headset option is selected on (guessing probably same for O2 mask although I haven't tested).

Keen eyes.

I'll add it to the whiteboard, but no promises for the next update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Problem is...... Navigraph just committed itself to publish the “11.41” version of the NAV data till the next update....  2014 I guess.

After that, only the “11.50” version will be available, if they don’t change their mind in the meantime. 

So, or the longed-for TBM900 update will be available soon, or the Navigraph folks will change their mind, or we all will get very proficient in RNAV procedures, to the LPV minimums,  I mean.....

Not so bed, anyway. 


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3 hours ago, ssalis said:

Problem is...... Navigraph just committed itself to publish the “11.41” version of the NAV data till the next update....  2014 I guess.

After that, only the “11.50” version will be available, if they don’t change their mind in the meantime. 

So, or the longed-for TBM900 update will be available soon, or the Navigraph folks will change their mind, or we all will get very proficient in RNAV procedures, to the LPV minimums,  I mean.....

Not so bed, anyway. 


Interesting - thanks for that.

From my perspective, I only fly around New Zealand - and I don't think a lot changes in the short-term anyway - and even if it does then it's not really going to have much impact on me. So won't be a big deal for me either way.

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