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Beechcraft Hawker 4000


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After making about 15 aircraft (Mostly GA stuff) in Planemaker, I've decided to make a possible payware model.  The Hawker 4000.  I was going to make a 747-400 but Javier told me it would be too much for a beginner in the 3D world, like me, and so I started on the smaller stuff.  I have a lot of documentation on the Hawker and I know someone who owns one so I can get a lot of detailed photos on some of the hard to get areas.

I've made as complete a model as I could with Planemaker and a lot of time was spent moving vertices around to make it look as smooth and accurate as possible within the constraints of Planemaker.

Today, I have started on the 3D version using Blender.  I was trying to get used to 3DS MAX but I think Blender is easier to get used to.

Anyway, 1st screenshot of the planemaker version. 


I have added some more Misc Bodies onto the actual plane since this screenshot but you can see where it's going. 

This will have a full 3D cockpit with whatever systems I am able to model using the documentation I can get.

More updates in the coming days.


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More Screenshots with added Misc Bodies.  Now I start working fully in Blender.  I made as much as I could in Planemaker so I only have to do some tweaking with what I already have in Blender. 





She flies beautifully and I asked the person I know to test fly it.  He said it handles almost exactly like the one he owns.  CG limits aren't entered so that might be why.

Anyway, 3D previews coming.


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I've decided to start the 3D modelling from scratch instead of modifying the imported obj. file.  I have more freedom then and I don't have to be limited in the movements I do. 

Anyway, screenshot of the fuselage



Slow going but it's getting there.

Also, I have taken about 60 photos of the cockpit and other external parts.


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WingBox and both engines are done (minus the fans).

I got rid of the wingbox in the other screenshots because I found a better and more accurate method of representing them.

No more screenshots until all parts are done.


But it's looking good.


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Progress.  Lots of mistakes were made and a few deletions made because I wasn't happy with the progress, but it's coming along nicely.

New fuse and new wingbox.  Engines are hollowed out to make room for rotating fans and landing gear has been positioned.  Tail section will be redone.  I did a rough one to allow for positioning of the attachment at the bottom front part of the assembly.






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Plane shape and all parts are complete. 




Now I begin working on the really fine details of the aircraft starting at the nose and cockpit.

Smoothing things out, etc...

I'll put up a screenshot of the nose and cockpit when it's done. 


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Guest xp9videos

Wow. This is the 2nd best work ive seen on the forum since I registered :(... today. Besides Javiers, and Rafeals, >:) just to find it was all plagerized. Im an Amatuer video editor. I could make you a preview video for this bird. Itd be an honor? heres some of my previous work:

Please let me do this when the bird is done. I would be glad to.
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The windows are a 3D object.  I modelled the outer window frame first, then the inner window frame, did a few extrusions, some nudging here, resizing there, and came up with the finished window.  Then built the aircraft around it.


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Guest xp9videos

Thanks, If you need any help with the modelling Ive had about only 2 years expierience with Blender and Planemaker. I could help with little things if youd like: Landing Gear, Cabin Windows, Cabin Doors, ETC.

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Guest xp9videos

If you want to have a good looking window, You need patience. To have it see through like XPFW 757, and MU-2 You have to build your 3D window first then fit it to you aircraft and delete vertices, surfaces, that are covered by the window. Then Give the verts the exact outter shape of the Window. Then Make your windows transparent. :( You probably knew that but I just like to help

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