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Updated to 1.31 and CTD after few seconds


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Not sure why as the log doesnt show anything but I'm getting CTD everytime now, vulcan or openGL, same thing, I'm in 11.50b10.

1.30 was working fine btw

I unistalled and reinstalled 3 times. 

I loaded in different eirports but I always CTD after few seconds

Any ideas?


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Dataref tool is outputting some very strange corrupted data.


DataRefTool: FouLoanddi nplugin wigth name=" Pdlautarefsg froim path n"AdminD": desc="\AX -pPlug-in that Adminisltraantees Plugins. "1 1s/iRgnature="xpsdke.seoxuarmcples.pluginadmine"s\Fpoluungdi npsl\udgritn_ bwiltahc knlaimset=."tNxat"v
DataRefTool: igraph Simlink" desc="Navigraph Simlink for X-Plane" signature="Navigraph Simlink for X-Plane"Found plugin with name="A3XXWebView" desc="A3XX Webinterface." signature="a3xx.webview"Found plFuginiins hweidt hl onaadmien=g" as4_5x9c opnonteecntt"i adle sdca=t"aArcetfisv ef rskoym  X"-DP:l\aXn-eP lcaonen n1e1c/tReisoounr cmeosd\uplleug"i nssi\gdnratt_ubrlaec=k"lHiisFti."tFxto"u
DataRefTool: nd plugin with name="AutLooGaadtien gv 1d.a7t2"a rdeefssc =f"rMoamn apgaetsh  b"oDa:r\dX-iPnlga nber i1d1g/eRse saonudr cDeGsS\sp"l usgiignnsa\tDuartea=Re"fMsa.rtgxitn"a
DataRefTool: l.AutoGate"Found plugin with name="AviTab" desc="A tablet to help in VR." signature="org.solhost.folko.avitab"


You also have XJet installed which I suspect conflicts with Gizmo 18.


Please give the Gizmo beta a try:


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Hi Kamaku,

you have an extreme amount of plugins running - some of which even "sound" obtrusive.

I bet if you remove all of them and then try - it will work.

Afterwards you can move them back in (in batches) until things stop working. This will help you isolate the problem and we can try to find out what is not working with the combination.

Cheers, Jan


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Hi @Litjan,

ok I'll do that.

Nothing that I run is illegal or potentially harming. AS a matter of fact the only difference is UWXP that I'm trying for VR. Xjet mentionned above is part of the Airfoilabs aircrafts . Was all working fine with 1.30. I'll make some tests as suggested


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Following the advice from @Litjan i removed all plugins and try by batch. I found out which plugin is causing the problem and to my surprise is Ultra weather XP or UWXP for short , last version installed is 2.6. Now.....why a plugin which is suppose to affect the visuals of sky and clouds have an effect to the aircraft is beyond comprehension. If you could from your side make sense of it all I would be very grateful. For now UWXP is out of my system until a fix is found....I will not trade the IXEG for a Cloud, that's for sure.

I'll contact the developer also


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54 minutes ago, Kamaku said:


Following the advice from @Litjan i removed all plugins and try by batch. I found out which plugin is causing the problem and to my surprise is Ultra weather XP or UWXP for short , last version installed is 2.6. Now.....why a plugin which is suppose to affect the visuals of sky and clouds have an effect to the aircraft is beyond comprehension. If you could from your side make sense of it all I would be very grateful. For now UWXP is out of my system until a fix is found....I will not trade the IXEG for a Cloud, that's for sure.

I'll contact the developer also


Thank you so much for going through with this testing. You are right - sometimes computers are beyond comprehension. The complexity of X-Plane and the plugin ecosystem is very high!

Please let us know if you find any additional info why this conflict exists!

Cheers, Jan


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