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Puzzling situation at start


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A situation which happens from time to time when loading the TMB 900 in X-Plane 11.

The plane has successfully completed a flight and landed in some airport. It has been properly shut down, duly respecting the idle time before feathering, and cutting off. The plane is properly protected with static, pitot and engine inlet covers. The situation has then been registered, such as allowing resuming of the travel at a further occasion.

When loading such situation to resume the trip, and when raising the crash bar, we can see the following :

1/ the standby instrument, when aligning, whatever be the barometric setting, mentions an altitude exceeding FL560.



Full alignment doesn't restore proper functionning.




2/ all engine figure meters (except torque) include a big red cross on some dark red background. Same for all nav and com frequencies indicators.

Although voltage is correct, the start of the engine will fail.




The only curative solution is to, in the "developper" tab of the menu, reload the aircraft (without reloading scenery). It may happen that it is necessary to shut the sim, and start with a new flight.

Is there something that I forgot and induced such situation ?
Thank you for any response and advice.


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None. Except Saitek throttle quadrant where I control AP, trims, starter, throttle toggle to taxi zone,  low and high idle positions, inert sep, flaps, parking brake and warning cancellations.

I systematically calibrate yoke and pedals before any flight.

Edited by Panxua
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First, check the maintenance manager and make sure everything is working.  If everything is in the green, try deleting your state folder and see if that fixes the issue.  If not, you may need to reinstall.

State folder is in X-Plane 11/Output/TBM900.

If you choose to delete the state folder, you must do it with the sim shut down.

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I regularly check the maintenance manager, and in its last state, all was fully green. I also make a backup of the state folder after each flight, just in case...

Deleting the state folder will be a pity, as I will lose all my flying time.

But, if it is the only way to solve the problem, so be it!

Thank for your quick and dedicated help!

Flying the TBM is first a pleasure, and a strong derivative during those confined times!

Have a nice day.

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